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Exported PDF Problems

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When exporting a PDF file that contains PNG images, the PDF looks and displays fine on a computer, but when it is printed all of the PNG images have BLACK backgrounds, regardless of the PDF export settings.

Is this a known problem?

Is there a workaround or some setting that is causing this problem?

Publisher is awesome, but this makes it very hard to use it to produce anything for printing.

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Looks like the problem is created by the color model selected. This document was using RGB/8, once I switched it to RGB/16 or CMYK the problem went away. RGB/16 produces massive PDF files that are roughly 10 times the size of the original, but the CMYK files are a more manageable size.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi, apologies in the delay getting back to you.

This isn't a problem I am aware of, is it possible for for you to attach the publisher file you are exporting from so I can see if I can reproduce it?


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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