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Export Issue

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Hey all, I posted in the megathread for the beta the other day but didn't seem to get a response. 


For whatever reason, I can't seem to export files AT ALL. Zero, zip, zilch, nada. I'm not sure why this issue is occurring and I've been trying my best to figure out a fix but I can't seem to work out a consistent resolution. 


Let me know what the deal is, it's driving me bonkers!


I've included a screenshot of what happens whenever I attempt to export anything at all. I've tried closing/re-opening, deleting/re-installing etc to no avail. 




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1. Yes, it's happening to every single file I attempt to export

2. Yes, I am able to save my native .afphoto files perfectly fine. 

3. I am attempting to save to the same folders with which I have been saving since December when I first bought & installed the program, nothing (to my knowledge) has changed other than me switching to the latest beta version vs. the standard app store one. 

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  • Staff

I'm really sorry about this - it sounds quite bizarre but I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this!


Can you tell me if it crashes if you try to export to the 'Pictures' folder of your currently logged in user? Also, does it crash when you export from Export Persona, too?


Thanks in advance,


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I've been experiencing AP exporting issues (gone now) and wonder if this is related. I did not experience a crash. In fact, everything looked normal, except the exported file never materialized. No file was created.


BYW, latest beta and Yosemite (not .3)

Author and Publisher of novels, poetry and children's books. deon.ca

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Yes, it does still crash when I attempt to export from the export persona, and I'll go ahead and attempt to export to pictures right now! 


Appreciate in advance for all of your guys' hard work and help. 


EDIT: It works just fine when I export to pictures... that is quite strange! 


& I think I'm in the same boat as RorydEon (For AD instead of AP) mentioned above. It is very much off and on ever since I updated to the latest beta. 

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Hmmm, that's very interesting that you can write to Pictures but nowhere else... Would you be able to create a new user (it's very quick and easy to do and you can delete it again afterwards with no harm) and try running the Affinity Designer Beta as that new user? Is that user able to export to everywhere? It might also be worth trying Disk Utility's 'Repair Permissions' function just to make sure everything is as it should be...


Again, I am very sorry for the trouble this is causing you and appreciate you trying to help find the answer to this :)


Thanks again,


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