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Selection Tool

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I may be alone on this one and just so used to Photoshop but I just don't understand why the choices for how the Affinity freehand selection tool works were made. I've read and re-read instruction and I understand HOW it works its just such an imprecise total pain in the neck to use. This is probably the most used tool after basic adjustments.


I also realize there are patent and copyright issues vis-a-vis Photoshop but is there anyway to make this tool act more like Photoshop?

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I second this, it is one of my most used tools, and not being able to freehand select is a pain. I use it both for precise selections but also very loose and spontaneous ones that are later feathered. I PS the pen tool is easily converted to a selection but I haven't found the way yet with Affinity. That would be a workaround but not the same as being able to dray a little line to add or subtract exactly where you want. 


On other notes I find affinity's refine better.

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Hi h27sailor and stubborndog,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :) 


To use the Free Hand Selection tool you just have to drag the mouse to draw the selection. You can use the buttons on the context toolbar to add, subtract and intersect other selection from/to the existing selection.


If you need more precision use the Pen Tool instead to draw/manipulate a vector path, then convert it to a selection pressing the Selection button on the context toolbar.

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Hi h27sailor,


Which specific things are you having issues with? As far as I'm aware it works pretty much the same way as any Free Hand Selection tool works in any other program I've tried?


If you can tell us what the problem is, then at least we can try to do something about it :)




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