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Saving a pdf file

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I am working on a publication with about 60 pieces of color art. Today I decided to use AP to process some additional art. I imported the art, changed the size and converted it from RGB to CMYK. When I went to save it a box popped up and said I couldn't save it as a pdf. It said I could save it as a pdf.apl file. My question is when the printer gets my package and most art is pdf, what will happen when they encounter a pdf.apl file? Is this compatible with pdf? What is the difference between a pdf and a pdf.apl? Do I need to go back to Photoshop to maintain consistency for this project?


Thanks in advance for your support. Ths is truly an awesome forum.





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I've never heard of a pdf.apl file - we certainly aren't writing it directly from Affinity so it must be some system thing? As Nat says above, just go to File->Export and choose a pdf export format and it should all work as you'd expect :)

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