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  • Staff

Hi Kook Kai,

Here's another way: if you have one of the text objects already selected, click anywhere on an empty area of the canvas to deselect it (or simply press ESC) then click once over the group on canvas to select it. If you don't have any of the text objects selected just click once over the group on canvas.


Thanks @Gabrile M and @MEB. I do MEB's way like what I always do in Illustrator, but it just simply doesn't work. Going to layer panel to select group is cumbersome especially for the app that creates a lot of layers. 

  • Staff

Hi Kook Kai,

Is the group clipped inside a shape or buried in a deep layer structure/construct or something? Without seeing the file it's difficult to guess what's causing you trouble. Any chance you can record a clip or attach the file here so we can take a look?


Dear Meb, attached is a screen recording. It is just a simple group of 2 text objects ("size R" and "with strap"). It was my first day with affinity trial yesterday. I didn't look at the help files, just dived in with Illustrator skill. The manner of handling text as you described is exactly the same as Illustrator. I checked if the group was somehow locked accidentally, but it was not. Thanks for tinkering.



  • Staff

Hi Kook Kai,

Thank you for the clip. That's definitely wrong. I believe we already have a similar issue logged but i would like to add your file to our log so we can test it against new/fixed code.

Do you mind uploading it using this link? All files will be deleted after being inspected/checked. Thank you.



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