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Wynonna Earp Titles Still


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Today I thought I'd have a bash at trying to recreate a still from the opening title sequence of "Wynonna Earp". (No spoilers please, I'm still plodding on through the second series.) It was entirely done in AD.

I'm sort of happy with it but there are a few things that don't look quite right to me.
A. The logotype isn't perfect but I'm not too bothered about that.
B. I can't quite get the background right. I've tried all kinds of gradients and transparencies but I just can't make it look like I want it to. I tried to get a better fade from red to dark red but I keep getting bands where the colour seems to jump.
C. The logotype isn't as "liquidy" as I wanted it. It's okay, but I wanted it to be a bit more like "dirty liquid gold".

Does anyone have any tips for the background or "liquid" text? (They have to be usable in AD, I don't have APh.)

Wynonna Earp Title Still.jpg

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Graduations can be a bit 'clunky' ..Subtle blends are sometimes better....Try to keep the colour changes on graduated nodes similar/subtle...[not really the case in this instance]


Try layering the gradient ..and make use of the transparency tool

You can get more subtle effects this way



1 Layer red to dark layer (keep the spacing between nodes/steps wide) ..will improve the blending

2. Create an additional layer/s with even darker colour [also graduated] [try mixing colours-dark blue over red can be effective]. (Make use of transparency here) a. set centre to fully transparent (0%) and again keep the nodes/steps wide apart (help with blend smoothing)

3. Repeat 2 for effect and or experiment with layer blend settings to improve depth of colour.

4. Use groupings of the above in layers panel.. This will allow more flexibility in choosing colours (and you can apply transparency/graduated blends)

4 Try a grunge vector overlay set almost transparent (apply group rasterization if you need to....)






Affinity Version 1 (10.6) Affinity Version 2.5.2  All (Designer | Photo | Publisher)   Beta; 2.5 3.2516
OS:Windows 10 Pro 22H2 OS Build 19045.4412+ Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19056.1000.0
Rig:AMD FX 8350 and AMD Radeon (R9 380 Series) Settings Version 21.04.01 
Radeon Settings Version 2020
20.1.03) + Wacom Intuous 4M with driver 6.3.41-1



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Many thanks for the advice @Stuart_R

Layering - with transparency - is an interesting idea that I will have to experiment with.
Blend smoothing isn't something that I've come across so that's more for me to look at. (I need to properly understand what blend modes actually do rather than just randomly picking something that looks a bit like what I want.)

I've never been able to get satisfactory gradients across a wide colour range - with any software - so this is something that I really should try and figure out how to do properly. I'm not in the illustration business but this is one of those "foundational" things that anyone wanting to do this sort of thing should learn how to do well.

I'll play about with various techniques and see what I can come up with. If I get a good effect I'll post the result.

Thanks again.

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After a little bit of messing about, here's the updated title still.
I think I've managed to lose (most of) the banding on the background by easing the gradient stops, similar to how this article suggests: https://css-tricks.com/easing-linear-gradients/
(I still need to do some experimenting with the suggestions above. Something I need to work through properly when I get more time.)
The logotype has been made more "burning liquid gold-y" by using various GIMP/G'MIC functions.
I like this version better but I don't think I'll be doing any more work on it (it was just a silly experiment).

Wynonna Earp Title Still V2.jpg

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