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Hi there

I am on my first project with Affinity Designer. I have got two bitmaps in RGB and want both to be converted when I export my PDF.


I tried to export with preset "PDF (for print)" but that file isn't readable in PDF Checkpoint (where I do preflights).

I tried preset "PDF X3" and in the "More" settings I checked to set Compatibility to "PDF X3" Color Space to "CMYK" and Profile to "ISO coated v2 300% (ECI)". But the bitmaps stay in RGB after export. Only text and shapes are CMYK.

  • Staff

Hi suntrop and Welcome to the Forums,


Can you share the .afdesign file.  Either attach it here or if you'd rather keep it private you can use this Dropbox link


Also how are you checking the PDF file afterwards?


Thanks for your help! 

That particular file is quite big, but I made an example with the same "problem".


Export-1 (Affinity Designer Preset PDF X-3)

- Text path is fine

- QR-Code/Vector is converted correctly to CMYK (source was sRGB)

Bitmap is still RGB, is not converted to CMYK


Export-2 (Affinity Designer Preset PDF X-1a)

- Text path is fine

- QR-code/Vector is CMYK but also rasterized as a bitmap image

- Bitmap is converted correctly to CMYK  


Export-3 (exported from Illustrator)

- Text is still text (but it's ok, I forgot to convert it ;))

- QR-Code/Vector is CMYK and is still vector

- Bitmap is converted correctly to CMYK


Currently I am using Acrobat Pro to check the files. But I had the idea to use PDF Checkpoint for preflights, but there seems to be another problem with AD's PDF files – PDF Checkpoint can't read some exported files. 


At the I would like to have the same output in AD as I have with Illustrator. Most of the time, it doesn't matter if I it is a X-3 or X-1a (I know their capabilities).










  • Staff

Thanks for the test file.


I opened testfile.afdesign and on the More options of the PDF export set Rasterise to 'Nothing' and then exported.  This resulted in a vector QR code and CMYK main image (see attached screenshot from Preflight in Adobe Reader Pro).  


I've also attached a screenshot of the settings i used, which in theory should also work for you :) 



Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 11.35.01.png

Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 11.38.37.png


Thanks for your effort :-)

Ok, but how do you manage a shape or bitmap with transparency? That won't be rasterised as well and thus becomes opaque. I don't get why AD does rasterise the QR in the first place. It is just a simple vector.

While it is "ok" to print everything rasterised there are downsides and as much as I don't like Adobe's latest progress and hope to switch there is no tool nowhere near enough to its printing features. However, I hope Affinity will improve and I will try to adjust :-)

Thanks again! 


There are issues in AD's PDF export. Note that in the screen shot of settings, the Allow Advanced Features is not checked. That maybe what is keeping the preflight software you are using from even opening the PDF.


Also note that stokerg is using PDF/X-1a. This preset will convert everything to the final color space of the document. PDF/X-3 allows for properly tagged RGB images, which AD will gladly do.


Seems to be, vector as an embedded source often (more often than not) gets rasterized. This shouldn't be. I never embed. On the main design page, add ruler guides or note the sizing/placement. Double click on the qrcode, select it, copy it, delete the one on the main page, paste the copied version and size/position it. It will then export as vector without jumping through a hoop.





2 hours ago, haakoo said:

Rasterise the image with transparency whithin Designer

Export with rasterizing set to nothing

That is a nice feature and may can help. Don't get me wrong … but rasterising whole parts of the print work isn't much better than rasterising everything. Anyway, thanks for the hint!! :-) 


16 minutes ago, MikeW said:

There are issues in AD's PDF export. Note that in the screen shot of settings, the Allow Advanced Features is not checked. That maybe what is keeping the preflight software you are using from even opening the PDF.


Seems to be, vector as an embedded source often (more often than not) gets rasterized. This shouldn't be. I never embed. On the main design page, add ruler guides or note the sizing/placement. Double click on the qrcode, select it, copy it, delete the one on the main page, paste the copied version and size/position it. It will then export as vector without jumping through a hoop.

No, unfortunately the problem isn't "Allow Advanced Features". Must be some other combination of the settings. A linked file is just a lot more convenient :-) I have workdays where I need to work with some dozens of files. There is no button to convert a linked file to be automatically in place and truly embedded? 


Nope. No magic button for changing an embedded asset to a non-embedded asset.


As long as Acrobat's or pdfToolbox's preflight verifies a proper file, I would tend to think that this other software is at fault if it cannot open a pdf from AD with the Allow Advanced... unchecked. Nothing else I use has such issues with it unchecked. Some software I have cannot load an AD PDF with that checked, though.

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