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General UI Layout: Vertical Space Usage

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General UI Layout: Vertical Space Usage


There's something that drives me _bananas_ about PS Elements; but it's also a concern about almost every graphics & photo app in existence:


Most User Interfaces squander valuable vertical screen real estate, heedlessly and unnecessarily.


Here's the situation:


- Modern screens are much wider than tall.

- Many people spend at least some of their productive time working on a little laptop screen.

- Even with Retina displays, it's often necessary to limit screen res, for UI legibility. 

- Documents, layouts and graphics are just as likely to be portrait orientation, as landscape.


So obviously vertical space is way more likely to be a problem than horizontal.

When you're working on a portrait style page or a tall object, every last vertical pixel is precious.


(Worst case scenario: Editing a portrait in PS Elements, you're lucky to have 30% of screen pixels for your image!! Absurd.)


This is probably more of a request for the upcoming Affinity Photo app;

but it sure would be useful to have in Designer, too:


It would be über useful to have at least the option of getting all interface elements off to the sides to allocate all vertical resources to the document/page.

2 different UI layout presets, maybe? – 1 for landscape, 1 for portrait?


Thanks for your consideration!
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That's one of several reasons I like working in AD's separated mode.  The right side of the screen I can use top to bottom.


Awesome, I hadn't yet discovered separated view! Nor had I realized you can hide the Tool Bar. Great improvement!


Even with the toolbar hidden, the "parameter ribbon" for each tool (er, that's what I'm calling it) still extends horizontally across 3/4 of my Macbook Pro screen. I'd love it if that thing could go vertical.

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