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Change Font on multiple Text Elements

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Just how illustrator and freehand do, but as of yet not on affinity.


If I have a bunch of elements on the page and say i decide to switch typefaces in the evolution of the brand Identity, in affinity i have to do this one by one over and over again.


Hopefully this will be a quick fix for you folks.



Note the freehand implementation is of course better - it allows selecting any old thing(s) (text, group, mixture of elements) and there is still facility to change the font - whatever type is within that selection will get changed.


Of course I could go on and ask for styles etc but will leave that for hit further down the road.



one planet, one chance

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I'm guessing you were using the Move tool to select multiple objects, and because the context toolbar changes to offer group alignment options, you thought the text formatting options weren't available. They are. You can use them directly from the Format menu, or get the text context toolbar back by switching to the Art Text or Frame Text tools. This works even if the selection also contains non-text objects, just as you would expect.


Text styles are on the roadmap; Affinity Publisher will certainly need them.

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