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How to resize a pasted image using bicubic?

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I've read about half a dozen threads related to this, but none hit on my exact question:


I've got a 150x100 canvas (creating a logo, by working two logos together) and am importing one of the logos which is quite large. After dragging it in, I want to size it down significantly (to 150 wide) and to do so using bicubic. 


I can drag the corners, yes, but it looks terrible once done (I understand the default isn't bicubic). I can change the values of the dimensions in the Transform menu, but again there's no ability to change it to bicubic first. 


Where does this adjustment live?


Thanks a lot,



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Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, JC. :)


There may well be a more efficient way to do this, but one simple way would be to use the 'New From Clipboard' option on the File menu to isolate the pasted image so that you have access to the resampling options in the Document Setup dialog.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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that was requested a few time already, maybe it´ll be implemented at some point


however your image should look just fine when you don´t rasterise it before you export, in the export dialog you can then choose the resampling method


the bad quality should just be because of rendering of the proxy/ preview file 



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  • 5 years later...

This is very irritating. The preview option seems to affect making a layer smaller, but making it larger seems to always use nearest neighbor.

In either case, I would like to think that my preview image at 100% Zoom in Affinity is as close as humanly possible to the final export (with Bicubic or even Lanczos resampling). If my machine can handle it, why not give us the option?

Just bought v2 hoping that this discrepancy would be fixed, but sadly, it's not.

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