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luigi de poggi

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Hey there,


love the blue cutting mat: for a first edition app; AD has done a fantastic job.


Not only has it got to compete against those from an Illustrator background, it has to embrace Freehand, Xara, Canvas, Gimp, Inkscape and my favourite DrawPlus. Somehow TonyB and the team did it. The fact that this was a very, very tricky middle ground to cover, some how they did it with flying colours! Extra tools will always be welcome, envelope and skew for example. 


We mustn't forget, that AD has spent 4 years in the womb and just over 4 weeks in the wild. The bar has been set so high and the feeling of familiarity is so high, that AD is starting to feel like an old friend already. Well done Everybody!

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6



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