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Hi folks,

Seestar S50 has become very popular for astro imaging. It features target goto and tracking. Even though is has an az-alt mount, it is able to track over hour long times, using 10, 20 and 30s shots with plate solving in between.  Regarding its use with Affinity, I have found that AP2 is very good for editing the automatically stacked jpeg and stacked fits that Seestar produces at the end of a run. SS also produces the individual short images, called subs. Over one hour on a target one might get about 150 10s .fit subs (SS throws many away if not good). AP2 will stack these subs easily. My 7yr old iMac took about a half hour to stack 540 subs.

Another feature that SS has is the ability to make a mosaic. This will at least double the FOV, resulting in a maximal image of 2.6x1.5 deg. This is done by automatically making a series of overlapping images,  moving in a spiral pattern, usually over 2-3h and making more than 500 light subs.  These are automatically stacked and outputted as jpeg and fits. According to my few tries, AP2 will stack subs from the mosaic but produces a result that has only the original 1.3x0.7 size.

Does anyone here know anything about stacking mosaic subs from Seestar with Affinity Photo 2? In view of the Seestar popularity it would seem to be a useful development for Affinity to add such a capability. 

Regards to all and wishing for an astro forum here. 


  • Staff

Hi Irandar,

I spoke to our in-house expert James regarding this and he advised that mosaic stacking is something we would like to add in a future update.


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.


Hi Callum. Glad to hear James is still on the ball. What about making an astro forum here? Wishful thinking I guess. Well my last wishful thinking led to the start of the Affinity Photo Astrophotography FB group, now with about 300 members. Thanks and regards, Irving

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