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This test document has a TOC on page 1 and headings on pages 2 and 3. Page 2 has a cross-ref to the heading on page 3 and vice versa.

  1. Open this document in 2.5.7 and a copy in 2.6 beta. There are no Preflight issues in 2.5.7 but the TOC is flagged as out of date in the beta. This happens with all TOCs.
  2. Click Fix to update the TOC which breaks the cross-references - I'm not sure what it's doing because the heading anchors are still there, but perhaps they were replaced. If I fix the cross-references and save the doc it will be fine going forward, but I can't find a way to open a 2.5.7 with TOC heading anchor-based cross-references and not have them all broken.
  • Staff

An issue raised in this thread ("Opening a 2.5.7 Publisher File in 2.6 Results in a ToC Preflight Error which if Fixed Breaks Cross Reference Targets") has now been reported to the developers by the testing team (Ref: AF-5668). Thank you very much for reporting this issue to us.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

The issue "Opening a 2.5.7 Publisher File in 2.6 Results in a ToC Preflight Error which if Fixed Breaks Cross Reference Targets" (REF: AF-5668) has been fixed by the developers in the latest beta build ( The fix is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Affinity Info Bot to notify us.


Confirmed this is fixed now, thanks!

I noticed that opening any 2.5.7 document with a TOC in 2.6 beta 3089 will warn the user that the TOC is outdated, even if it wasn't outdated when saved from 2.5.7. This isn't important because updating the TOC removes the flag as you'd expect. Except for my manual, updating all TOCs for it will not remove the Preflight warning. This document has one main TOC and one per section so I thought the multiple TOCs must be the culprit. I created a new document with multiple TOCs with a similar setup but it worked fine and I haven't been able to figure out what is triggering the issue.

  • Staff

An issue raised in this thread ("A ToC from 2.5.7 will always preflight warn to be updated when it isn't out of date") has now been reported to the developers by the testing team (Ref: AF-5780). Thank you very much for reporting this issue to us.

  • Staff

@MikeTO Just to update you, the preflight error when loading the file from 2.5.7 is by design due to a change that's been made for 2.6, and Fix should always clear them up (your other issue is being investigated, as that should be being fixed).

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

30 minutes ago, Jon P said:

@MikeTO Just to update you, the preflight error when loading the file from 2.5.7 is by design due to a change that's been made for 2.6, and Fix should always clear them up (your other issue is being investigated, as that should be being fixed).

Thank you


@Jon P The issue with the specific file with multiple TOCs and the TOC preflight error not being able to be cleared is more serious than I first reported. It's not just a warning that won't go away but updating the TOCs generates duplicate anchors and breaks the PDF bookmark hierarchy.

My document has a main TOC (with headings 1, 2, and 3) and chapter-level TOCs (with just heading 2). Updating all TOCs generates duplicate heading 2 anchors in 2.6.0, one that is correctly a child of its heading 1, and one that is an orphan at level 1. If I generate each TOC manually, the heading 2 anchors generated by the main TOC will be correct, children of heading 1, but the heading 2 anchors generated by the chapter TOCs will be level 1 orphans.

This is different from 2.5 and earlier but there was a related bug I reported in 2.1 (https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/191690-anchor-generation-doesnt-work-properly-for-multiple-tocs/) which hasn't been fixed. It didn't generate duplicate anchors but certain anchors weren't children of their parents when you updated all. The workaround was simple: update all TOCs first and then update the main TOC alone.

This trick doesn't work in 2.6 because the duplicate anchors won't go away on their own. I'll have to manually delete all the duplicate anchors before exporting.


@Jon P My family history document has multiple TOCs but the secondary TOCs don't duplicate headings from the main TOC, they are based on their own unique styles (which are based on heading 2, if that makes a difference). So this one doesn't have the duplicate anchor issue but the anchor hierarchy generated from the main TOC is very broken. Multiple TOCs are not working well right now. I'll send you the document.

One of the two secondary TOCs had "Include as PDF bookmarks" selected and I wondered if turning that off might avoid the issue. But then I discovered that option crashes in the current beta. (https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/227828-crash-with-toc-panel/#comment-1339308


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