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Im having problems exporting a multiple page PDF. It looks fine on screen and then when I export it, its changes some of the typography but only on one page. Is also pixelates this images on one page. The rest are the same. 


It is a large document. But I exported it the same way last week and it was fine. So Im not really sure whats going on. Ive tried changing the style of the copy and copying the style from other bits of text that are the same on the document. Ive tried different export methods for PDF and its still the same. 

Also not all the text on that page is being effected only some of it. Ive also tried ungrouping the layers that contain the text and seeing if there was any accident effects put on those effected layers but found nothing. 


I can't show the whole document or page because its for work but I've screenshot a small piece of text from both on the programme and the PDF (the PDF is the lighter text)


If anyone could give me any help I would be grateful.



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I don't know the reason for your text troubles but a good way to get around it is to make a copy of your file and then on the copy, change your fonts to "curves" (outlines). That should keep the text from changing. 



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Yep thats a short term solution but this is a document that I need to go back an edit so Id like to fix it. 


I just did what you suggested, but only on one block of text and for some reason that sorted out the issues with the other blocks of text with the same style on the page, they are not grouped or linked in anyway other than that they are on the same page. 

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Hi rebeccaturnerdesign,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Another way to do what Hokusai suggested is to Export to PDF as usual, then in the Export dialog click the More button, and in the Embed fonts dropdown change it to Text as Curves.

There's no need to change/convert the text to curves on your document.


Regarding other issues without seeing the file is difficult to guess what's going on. Can you please upload the file somewhere and PM me the link or alternatively use this link to upload it directly to my Dropbox account?

All files will be deleted after being checked.


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Sorry I can't upload the file. I've tried to replicate the issue and I've not been able to. Its only certain text boxes and certain images that have been effected. I've replaced all of these and that seems to have solved it. But if this happens to someone again would be great if you could post it here so they can see it replicated. 


Your suggestion about how to bypass the issue also worked so thanks. 

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