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I'm using Windows version.


  1. New document (either artboard or not)
  2. create/transform an artboard so that it has a different size or position (for the case of an additional artboard) than the original one
  3. create a pixel selection in Pixel/Photo Persona (any means, e.g. Selection from Layer, Selection Brush Tool, Freehand Selection Tool, etc.)
  4. Invert Pixel Selection (Ctrl+Shift+I)

You will notice the inverted selection is always the same size as the originally created canvas/page/artboard and starts at [x,y=0,0]. 


Maybe it's related to another bug.



Pixel selections on artboards is broken in general. If you have multiple art boards you will encounter even more problems. All of these are part of an overall general problem of Art boards. There are many tools that just don't work correctly because they assume you are working in a document and don't properly set the bounds to the Art Board.

I really wish Affinity would make it a high priority to fix as it would solve many other related issues.

  • Staff

Hi KarlLegion,

This is a known issue that is currently logged with our developers to be fixed in a future update. I apologise for any inconvenience this might cause you in the meantime.


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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