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Crop excess layer info to image dimensions

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Title may be confusing so let me explain. I use a method of adding grain to my images that I learned in a photoshop tutorial. One of the steps for this method requires me to resize a layer by a factor of 2 to make the grain larger than the original canvas, thusly making the grain appear coarser. As you might guess, leaving this extra info there balloons the files size quite a bit. The next step in photoshop would be to crop that extra info outside the borders of the image to the dimensions of the image, while still leaving the grain larger/coarser. I'm neither a photoshop or affinity photo wiz, but I can't figure out how to do this in AP. I'm sure it's simple. Thanks in advance for your help. Love this app

iPad Pro 12.9 M1/Mac Mini M1, in that order

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You could select the enlarged grain layer in the layers list and choose Layer > Rasterise. This will remove the excess, but be aware that you will convert your layer into a pixel layer by doing so …  :)

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You could select the enlarged grain layer in the layers list and choose Layer > Rasterise. This will remove the excess, but be aware that you will convert your layer into a pixel layer by doing so …  :)


Since this layer started as a pixel layer that was filled with 50% gray and had noise added to it, isn't it already a pixel layer? BTW, can you transform by percentage instead of doing the math to figure out exact pixel count? I know this is a default option in PS

iPad Pro 12.9 M1/Mac Mini M1, in that order

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Ok, one thing to keep in mind for anyone trying to do this in the future. If you add noise by applying a live filter, once you rasterize, you lose the point of a live filter as it gets baked in. I wonder if there is another way to crop off this excess without rasterizing. 

iPad Pro 12.9 M1/Mac Mini M1, in that order

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And you should also have in mind that scaling a layer with a *Live* Noise Filter applied won’t make the noise grain coarser …  ;)


Thanks, that is good to know.

iPad Pro 12.9 M1/Mac Mini M1, in that order

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