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[FIXED IN 2.3] [KNOWN ISSUE] Exporting an RGB document to PDF in 2.1 / 2.2 uses the sRGB2014 colour profile incorrectly.

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Following the release of Affinity 2.1, which updated the PDF export library that Affinity uses, our team have discovered an issue in all Affinity apps on all platforms.

When exporting an RGB document to PDF, if the export setting is set to 'Use Document Profile', the PDF will be assigned the sRGB2014 profile incorrectly.

For users on WindowsManually specifying the correct profile in the export dialog (instead of the 'Use Document Profile' option) should export the PDF with the specified profile as expected. Unfortunately this workaround does not work for macOS.


If your document contains 'Placed' (ie Embedded or Linked) images, when exporting to PDF using the RGB Colour Space, the images will always use the 'sRGB2014' Colour Profile, within the PDF.

From our testing, this issue can occur with any Affinity document using the RGB Colour Space, and still continues when converting the image colour space during export.

To workaround this issue for 'Placed' images, you can convert the 'Placed' Image layer to a Pixel layer will correctly export/convert the images colour profile in the PDF.
To do this, please select the 'Placed' Image layer, right-click and select Rasterise...


This issue has been logged with our development team as a high priority issue and we're working to resolve this ASAP.

Our apologies for any inconveniences caused due to this in the meantime.

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The issue "Exporting to PDF RGB/8 with placed images always converts them to 'sRGB2014' regardless of export settings" (REF: AF-946) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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