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Basic booklet printing in Affinity Publisher v2

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Hey folks -

I'm having to go back to basics on booklet printing since my 16-page document isn't printing properly, and I'm trying to troubleshoot why with a simple dummy file.

Take a look at the screenshot attached. I've manually done the impositioning on all 16 pages, and I want it to print front to back for the booklet that I will staple together. The problem Is illustrated in the screenshot where I'm trying to print the booklet, however it's not printing page 16 next to page 1. For some reason, it prints page 16 on one spread, then prints page 1 on another. All other spreads seem to print as expected.

Why would it do this even though I've laid it out accordingly? I've tried looking in Document Setup, searched Youtube a bunch of times, and am not finding anything. I'll also attach the original Affinity Publisher 2 file so that someone can hopefully tell me what I'm doing wrong. I really (REALLY) want to leave the world of Adobe behind, but this is something I could've banged out in InDesign in no time flat. Hoping it's just some simple setting and not a bug in Affinity Publisher 2, otherwise it's back to the 800lb Gorilla for me. Let me know what you find! Thanks in advance for your help.

Screen Shot 2023-08-07 at 10.42.31 PM.png


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59 minutes ago, Catshill said:

When I print locally and need to print booklets, I export as pdf and use the print booklet option.

I do the same. I prefer to check the PDF before printing (and I don't totally trust printing from the app itself — without any reason, just an old habit…)

But if I was to try it, I would set the print dialog with two pages, like this:


Affinity Suite 2.5 – Monterey 12.7.5 – MacBookPro 14" 2021 M1 Pro 16Go/1To

I apologise for any approximations in my English. It is not my mother tongue.

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7 hours ago, arezendes said:

Take a look at the screenshot attached. I've manually done the impositioning on all 16 pages, and I want it to print front to back for the booklet that I will staple together. The problem Is illustrated in the screenshot where I'm trying to print the booklet, however it's not printing page 16 next to page 1.

While I experience your issue in V1 with booklet printing if the document is set to start on a left page …


… it works to me if the document starts on a right page (and thus does not require customized page numbers or manual page imposing):


Whereas since you did the page numbering manually for imposed page arrangement it doesn't make sense at all to use the "Booklet" print option. Now you want the pages printed as the spreads as in the layout, therefore the "N-up" option works, with 2 pages horizontally:


… and if your document starts on a left page you add a Skip value of 1 to make page one move as required.:


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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@CatshillThank you. I will try that as a last resort, however I'm wanting to see if Publisher can handle it first.
@Oufti Thank you. This actually printed in the correct order, however since my pages are smaller than a normal sheet folded in half, I ran into trouble with the pages being too far apart. For example folding the page in half leaves each page floating in the middle of the larger half-page area.
@thomaso Thank you. These both are viable options and I was able to validate them with my simple dummy mock. I appreciate you explaining with your screenshots because it gave me a clear blueprint to follow.

I'm grateful to you all for walking me through your processes. I'll print the booklet out and take a picture of it at some point so that you can see how it turned out. Thanks again for the assist. You guys rock! ;-)

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