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Unusual file length when saving astro files with AP v1

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@stokerg  I have now sent you the 12 Andromeda FITS files that are giving me trouble. Earlieralthough the file size turned out to be 5GB, I was able to get a useful result. But today I have tried 3 times and once AP crashed and 2 times the result was not useful. I have not yet reset AP as you suggested because I did a lot of cleaning of the IMac storage and wanted to see if maybe the computer was at fault. I think now it must be somehow that AP needs resetting. Does this happen often? Thanks and regards

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@stokerg Hi, I have now reset APv1.  Checked all except the JR macros. It still does not work. Tried stacking 12 LRGB from Tel Live in groups, L,R,G,B. Message said 11 stacked but on Apply then a strange white field came with a grey bar across the top, about 25% of the field. Saving it required 2GB. Maybe I could throw this AP out and you could let me download another APv1. Thanks for your help.

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