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Placed art from Illustrator disappearing


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In the new version of Publisher, the first artboard on my linked Illustrator files keep disappearing. I have to open the file and copy and past the art in place back on the artboard and resave to make it be recognized. And it keeps happening to the artboard that's chronologically first (top of the list) in Illustrator. This is something that's new that I haven't seen. I recently upgraded the app and I'm running the most recent Mac OS.



Stephen :) 

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Hi @segts,

Are you able to upload your Illustrator file so we can take a look at what might be going on? Does your Publisher document use single or facing pages?

Affinity Designer 2.5.0 | Affinity Photo 2.5.0 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.0
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.5, Magic Mouse

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Hi Hangman. It is consistantly happening in multiple AI files in a single document. The Publisher doc is designed with facing pages (spreads.)

Now looking at all of the files, one AI file has a disappearing happening with the second art board, but most instances happen with the first artboard. I'm wondering if it has something to do with how Affinity reads art on artboards. In Designer, if the art stays in place but you move the art outside the artboard layer folder in the layers palette, the art disappears. I wonder if something like that is happening with AI artboards. If I copy and paste in place on the AI artboard, the art reappears in Publisher. But that isn't a permanent fix. Unfortunately, I can't share the file publicly because it has confidential info.

And to add, this wasn't an issue until I uploaded to the new update for Affinity (2.1.) I just saw that there's a new update for 2.1.1. I'll see if that helps! 

Thanks for the response! I really appreciate it! 

Stephen :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hi there! The issue has returned. I can share a screen shot of what it's supposed to look like and what it looks like when the chart has dissappeared if that helps. To make things easier, let me add the illustrator file, too. I made a version of the final Publisher file and converted all the art/photos to PNG to ensure a small digital PDF.

Let me know if there is some odd setting I have in Illustrator. As mentioned earlier, I've fixed the dissappearing issue is by opening the Illustrator file and cutting and repasting the art in the same artboard and then resaving the file. When I go back to the Publisher file and refresh the art in the resources window, it becomes visible.

Like I've said previously, this issue has consistently been the first artboard in an Illustrator file with multiple artboards. I'm thinking about a janky workaround since this is still an issue. My janky solution is creating an empty first artboard in Illustrator so that I skip using the first artboard in Publisher entirely.

Thank you for taking a look at this.

All the best! Stephen :)

This is a screenshot of the chart saved and placed as a PNG



This is a screenshot of the chart using the first artboard in an Illustrator file



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56 minutes ago, segts said:

Let me know if there is some odd setting I have in Illustrator. As mentioned earlier, I've fixed the dissappearing issue is by opening the Illustrator file and cutting and repasting the art in the same artboard and then resaving the file. When I go back to the Publisher file and refresh the art in the resources window, it becomes visible.

Hi @segts,

57 minutes ago, segts said:

As mentioned earlier, I've fixed the dissappearing issue is by opening the Illustrator file and cutting and repasting the art in the same artboard and then resaving the file. When I go back to the Publisher file and refresh the art in the resources window, it becomes visible.

Two questions...

  1. Is the attached Illustrator file a version that you've already fixed or a problematic version that demonstrates the missing artboard for you?
  2. For clarity, I'm assuming the missing graph graphic is literally the graph and doesn't include the title, key and vertical axis text?

Assuming the Illustrator file is a problematic one then I'm not seeing an issue when placing the first artboard, but if it is a file that you've already fixed then that is to be expected. If the file has already been fixed, are you able to upload a problematic version so we can take a look?

Affinity Designer 2.5.0 | Affinity Photo 2.5.0 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.0
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.5, Magic Mouse

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  • 3 weeks later...


Hi there! Sorry for the delayed response.

1. the AI file is the one that's problematic

2. The axis descriptors and main title were added in Publisher and not part of the Illustrator file.

This is happening to all my Illustrator files that have multiple artboards. When I import the first artboard in Publisher, it works for a while. When I close and reopen the file, the first chart will disappear. I haven't been able to pinpoint a reason why, because it seems random. My workaround has been to open the Illustrator file and cut and repaste the art back into the first artboard and resave the file. When I go back to Publisher and update the graphic, it becomes visible again. This is happening for EVERY illustrator file I have that has with multiple artboards. The first board keeps disappearing. The big problem I have is that I don't know when or why. It seems random but it is problematic, because I may send work to a client as a PDF and not realize that key info dissappeared. Thanks so much for chatting with me about this. I am really excited to hear if you'll have graphing tools native in Affinity and they I can completely dump Adobe altogether. :)



Stephen :)


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16 minutes ago, segts said:

I am really excited to hear if you'll have graphing tools native in Affinity and they I can completely dump Adobe altogether.

You can create the graph using some other software – e.g. LibreOffice Calc – and then export the graph – as PNG, SVG, PDF, etc. – and then place the result into your Affinity document.

(If you use a linked document then the Affinity document should auto-update when you re-export after changes.)

It can be a little difficult to keep colours and fonts to be the same across both applications but a bit of planning usually helps a lot.

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THX, but when Publisher was originally anounced, Affinity talked about native graphing tools in Publisher. Now, it's a little weird to have graphing tools in Publisher and not Designer, but my work has a large demand for data visualization and native support is preferred. Most of my work requires charts regulary, both scientific and financial/fundraising. Having the graphing natively in the app would be ideal for me and seems to be one of the final missing pieces for the Affinity suite :) Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about solving for disappearing artboards.



Stephen :)



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From how I read what you wrote it sounded like the only thing stopping you from dropping Adobe was the ability to get graphs into Affinity documents; I just didn't read it properly.

Graphing capabilities have been requested quite a few times, so maybe something will come soon, perhaps, possibly? (I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it though.)

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Hi @segts,

Try as I may, so far I've been unable to replicate the issue...

Affinity Designer 2.5.0 | Affinity Photo 2.5.0 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.0
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.5, Magic Mouse

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  • 2 weeks later...

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