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Hello, sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I couldn't find anything on this topic. 

I have lots of EPS files that I need to resize and color convert for a client, and on import the initial colors do not match from V1 to V2 of either Designer or Photo on the Mac. 
None of the changes I need to make come out correctly since they don't import correctly from the start. 

All the import settings (color space etc...) are the same in both versions as far as I can tell.

Any ideas of what might be going on?  

Screen shots of the imported files are attached as well as the original eps I'm working off of.


CDdictART#00794-Designer V1 on import.png

CDdictART#00794-Designer V2 on import.png



Hi @mixbus and welcome to the forums,

This is unfortunately a known bug that has previously been reported and is still awaiting a fix. Basically what's happening is that the Cyan, Magenta and Yellow sliders are incorrectly set to 50% on opening the file when the respective slider value is 50% or above e.g,

  • C:100 M:0 Y:67 K:29 opens as C:50 M:0 Y:50 K:29
  • C:0 M:30 Y:100 K:0 opens as C:0 M:30 Y:50 K:0

If you need to work in V2 then you can open the eps files in V1 and re-export them as eps files (or save them as AD files) and they will then open in V2 with the correct colours which isn't ideal if you have loads to amend...

If you have V1 it's possibly going to be quicker to work in V1 for now unless you're happy to open all the files and re-export/save them. I would do a quick test first just to check the colours are correct are re-exporting...

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse


Thanks for the info. That helps to know it's a bug, and has been reported. 

I have a quick workflow in place to do the processing needed to open, change what's needed, & export them to png per clients specs.

I'll just keep using V1 for now since there are so many to do, and look for an update at some point that fixes the issue before using V2 again. 

I appreciate the help. 



No problem at all, I hope everything goes well with the job and hopefully we'll see a fix for this issue in an upcoming release.

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

3 hours ago, lacerto said:

Oddly I get this error only when opening or placing this file in Affinity Photo macOS 2.04 version, but not when opening or placing it in any other Affinity 2.x app, i.e., not when opening or placing it in Publisher 2.04, Designer 2.04, or any of the three current beta versions.

For me it's fine in all three v1 apps but incorrect in all three v2 apps, both 2.0.4 and 2.1.0.(1790)... I'm scratching my head trying to think of reasons why the file opens correctly for you in both Designer and Publisher 2.0.4 but not Photo 2.0.4. 🤔

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse


Yes. for me it's fine in all three v1 apps but incorrect in all three v2 apps. 

From what I've ben told, these files were saved in some version of Illustrator before they got to me. 

FYI - Don't know if it matters, but I'm using an i7 intel imac running Monterey. It's the latest OS my mac will run. 

At least I can still use V1 to finish this current batch of files, and stick with it until this bug gets worked out. 


Looking at the original bug report for this issue, AFD-6216, it looks as though the v2 apps are ignoring the Pantone colours specified in the eps file, despite being declared in the file itself...


They are instead being converted to incorrect CMYK values (the 50% issue), though having said that, in v1 the Pantones aren't recognised either but it appears the CMYK conversion is correct.

If the eps file is opened in Apple Preview and exported it to a PDF and then reopened in the v2 Affinity Apps, the Pantone Colours are now recognised...

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

27 minutes ago, lacerto said:

It seems the error is in the macOS Intel build, only. I am running 2.04 Photo using Rosetta because I have Intel-based plugins. Photo beta is running in native Apple Silicon mode, as are 2.x Publisher and Designer, and that explains it.

Interesting... :)

33 minutes ago, lacerto said:

As for PANTONE (or generally spot) colors not being recognized, that is an omission is Affinity apps: they do not read in spot colors (not al least in EPS files created by Adobe or Corel, interesting to know that Preview-created spot colors are read in!), nor can they export ones in EPS format.

This is something I've never really understood logic wise because this means when opening an eps file that uses Pantone Colours you end up with a colour converted document which ignores any Pantone colour specifications... In AI (from distant memory), importing an eps file effectively creates a document palette which includes all colours used in the file whether RGB, CMYK or Pantone... It would be great to see the Affinity Apps replicate that...

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

  • 2 weeks later...

@lacerto, I can finally reply to this post... I wanted to run some tests exporting eps files from Vectorsyler but quickly realised that VS was converting any spot colours to CMYK anyway and not exporting the spot colour itself as part of the file.

After filing a bug report a while back, a new version of VS has now been released which adds spot colur support to exported eps files so I've at long last been able to run a few tests, though VS is buggy as hell.

On 5/15/2023 at 10:57 AM, lacerto said:

@Hangman, as you seem to have reported this bug (?), have you really been able to reproduce consistently the kind of error where CMYK component values get reduced to 50%...


On 5/15/2023 at 10:57 AM, lacerto said:

and specifically CMYK definitions, without spot colors involved?

No, the 50% issue is only ever a direct result of Pantone colours being exported in an eps file where the Affinity suite ignores the Pantone reference, converts the Pantone to CMYK but changes any converted CMYK values above 50% to 50% resulting in the washed out colours we see when opening an eps file in Affinity apps.

I can only currently test on Intel but for me both opening and placing the attached eps in all three apps demonstrates the 50% issue.

The pdf however, as expected is fine...

Vectorstyler uses it's own CMYK percentage definitions it seems...

[/Separation (PANTONE 341 CP)
{dup 0.95 mul exch dup 0.01 mul exch dup 0.75 mul exch dup 0.26 mul exch pop} ]


EPS Colours VS.eps

EPS Colours VS.pdf

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

38 minutes ago, lacerto said:

Thanks for getting back with this -- though I am not sure I quite got the point of using one buggy app to demonstrate false behavior of another! VS is (continues to be), as you mentioned, buggy as hell.

After your previous post referencing CorelDraw, literally for no other reason than wanting to find another application able to generate eps files to test against Illustrator and CorelDraw to rule out this being an Illustrator issue I downloaded a trial version of VS never having used it before in the hope of being able to quickly generate an eps file containing spot colours only to find it couldn't.

After filing a bug report they've just fixed the issue the latest release (1.1.085) so now you can and like you say, it appears to export spot colours without issue with pretty accurate CMYK conversions.

Having said that, after watching your VS videos I realised I had no sliders showing in the colour palette and was unable to get them to display despite being selected in the VS colour palette dropdown. A VS factory reset has now remedied that and now the exported eps files are no longer displaying the 50% CMYK issue, go figure!

It seems somewhat of a coincidcnce that the VS exported eps file uploaded in the previous post exhibited the exact same 50% CMYK issue as the Illustrator file in the original post of this thread. There have been a few reports of this issue with Illustrator files. Here's another example...

Logo Italian Embassy.eps

One of the useful features of VS is definitely its ability to read and write palettes in multiple formats. In the process of experimenting with that I discovered a bug in the Affinity apps in that they won't read in Lab colour when defined in a .ase file, so I'm curious as to whether your V5 Solid Coated PANTONE Library that uses Lab definitions can be opened in the Affinity Apps or is the file in question not a .ase file. I tried to open a V3 Solid Coated PANTONE Library that uses Lab definitions in AD and I end up with an empty palette, yet it opens without issue in VS.


3 hours ago, lacerto said:

Note that you have used PANTONE CMYK color library, not a spot color library.

I actually used the Affinity Pantone csv file located in the Resources folder, which uses RGB values, opened it in VS but defined the colours used in the test file as spot colours then exported to EPS and PDF. The exported EPS file exhibited the 50% CMYK issue when opened in Affinity 2 apps, the PDF correctly shows the spot colours.


Note: creating palettes in VS using csv files only supports RGB and CMYK values, not LAB or any other colour format.

Interestingly after the VS factory reset, I've reapplied the colour in the file previously uploaded file that uses the CMYK defined Pantone colours converted to spots and I've also created a version using a V3 Solid Coated PANTONE Library that uses Lab definitions (so basically the same as your test, just a slightly older version) and when opening the VS exported eps files they no longer display the 50% CMYK conversion issue, it's as per your tests where the CMYK colours are defined correctly.


49 minutes ago, lacerto said:

So when you open an EPS file containing a Corel-defined PANTONE color, in one instance you can get an empty file, and in another instance something as crazy as when opening one in (macOS version of) Affinity app:

I see the same thing opening your Corel Draw generated eps file in VS, pms 341 C is being interpretted in RGB (255, 0 255) in VS but CMYK (100, 53, 66, 0) in AD. based on the assignment of the ISO Coated v2 profile, though that looks like a different issue to me...


7 hours ago, lacerto said:

As for getting the CMYK 50% limit, can you also get it with the EPS files used in the clip above and attached below?

No, but are you able to generate an eps from Illustrator which includes some Document Custom Colours, (I assume in Adobe speak this mean Pantones converted to CMYK or is this something else entirely) since this appears to be what is causing the problems for Affinity v2 apps on opening these eps files...




Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

8 hours ago, lacerto said:

UPDATE2: If I understood correctly you and OP, the issue is further complicated by the situation where the 50% limit issue does not occur on older Intel-based macs running 1.x based apps? That much is clear the spot colors are not supported in EPS format in Affinity apps, so therefore their alt color spaces are not supported, either. But the variation of bugs in the ways they are not supported is also mind-boggling.

OP here... That is correct on my end. The 50% limit issue does not occur on my older Intel-based mac running 1.x based apps.
I am still waiting to upgrade and won't be able to test this on a M series chip for awhile. 

Thanks everyone for the amazing investigative work! 

48 minutes ago, lacerto said:

It is an .acb file but created from CorelDRAW latest version which has Lab definitions.

Out of interest, if you open your CorelDraw generated Pantone colour .acb file in Vectostyler and then export it as a .ase file in VS does it open as a blank palette in Affinity Designer or does it open correctly?

48 minutes ago, lacerto said:

As far as I know Affinity apps only read CMYK and RGB based definitions.

I have queried this, the initial feedback was that LAB colour definitions should be supported as well, though I suspect that may not actually be the case as I've played around with both XML and JSON palette's using LAB definitions since VS doesn't support CSV files with colour specs other than CMYK and RGB but on importing both the XML and JSON palettes into VS, exporting to .ase and importing to AD, I see the palette but it's completely empty so the CMYK and RGB based definitions 'only' seem to make sense, though it has been logged for investigation by Serif.

48 minutes ago, lacerto said:

Ok, I was referring more specifically to "custom" CMYK that you mentioned that VS uses -- I was wondering what you meant because I assumed that VS does not come with PANTONE libraries, so the CMYK based value it would use might proceed from 341 CP, where "P" refers to process color definition (rather than Lab trying to describe a special ink). But yes, technically it was a spot color and would then cause similar error in reading the color definition.

I realised after posting that I'd inadvertently picked the wrong csv file, hence I tested again using Serif's PANTONE Formula Guide Solid Coated V5.csv file though again it is defined using sRGB values though I don't think this is the version used internally by Affinity apps (though I could be wrong). As mentinoed above, I also tested a V3 Solid Coated PANTONE Library that uses Lab definitions and for whatever reason after a factory reset of VS I can no longer generate EPS files from VS that demonstrate the 50% CMYK issue in Affinity apps which on the one hand is good and then seems to point to this being an Illustrator eps interpretation issue in Affinty V2 apps, though like you say, you can reproduce this issue also on 1.x versions running Rosetta mode on Silicon macs, I can't in 1.x versions running Intel so yes, very odd indeed...

The Illustrator generated eps files, both the OPs and the other one I attached open in VS and AD v1.x without issue but incorrectly in v2.x on Intel Macs.


Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse


A quick update...

I spotted that VS 1.1.085 wasn't retaining the spot colours applied to objects on the canvas when the file was saved and then re-opened resulting in having to re-apply spot colours to their associated elements.

Bug fixed within a couple of hours and 1.1.086 update released.

Interestingly I'm now seeing a repeat of the CMYK 50% issue as follows...

  • Apply spot colours to a series of rectangles on the canvas using LAB specified Pantone colours in VS
  • Export to an eps file from VS
  • Re-open eps file in VS and the specified spot colours are now a mix of RGB and CMYK rather than the originally specified spot colours
  • Open the same eps file in AD v2.x and any colour that now appears using a CMYK specification in the eps file now displays the CMYK 50% issue, any colour now designated with an RGB specification appears without the CMYK 50% issue.

I am however, on initial testing, not seeing the same issue when using a PANTONE CMYK color library to specify the colours in VS and then exporting to eps...


Pantone LAB Colour Palette.vstyler


Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

36 minutes ago, lacerto said:

I wonder if it means the Lab color space is only supported in .acb files (or at least not supported in .ase swatch exchange)?

ASE files support four colour spaces, RGB, LAB, CMYK and Greyscale, so I'm now beginning to wonder whether this is yet another bug in VS?

Response from VS - "This sounds like a bug, added it to the backlog"


Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse


It sounds like a possible mathematical error, I'm not sure whether the conversion goes Lab to RGB, followed by RGB to CMY and then CMY to CMYK but I could see a pretty simple error in the conversion formula being the culprit if that is the case... :)

Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7
Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta

MacBook Pro M3 Max, 36 GB Unified Memory, macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Magic Mouse
HP ENVY x360, 8 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 2500U, Windows 10 Home, Logitech Mouse

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