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I tried to search and didn't find any related topic.

I have been wondering why the Layer's blend mode's list is short and doesn't display all the modes at once. Is there a setting in the preferences that I might be missing? 🤔





The Blend Mode list can be scrolled using the scroll bar which can be seen to the right of your screen-grab.

Only someone at Serif can say why they decided to use that type of drop-down control rather than something else, although my guess is that the decision was possibly a mixture of convenience, ‘future-proofing’, maybe cross-OS-similarity, and possibly some other considerations.

There’s no setting in Preferences to change this as it’s ‘locked-in’ to the design of the software.

If you have a good reason for it being otherwise then you can suggest a change but you would need to be specific about what you want and give some good reasons as to why you think all users of the software should be okay with it changing from what they are used to.

7 hours ago, GarryP said:

If you have a good reason for it being otherwise then you can suggest a change but you would need to be specific about what you want and give some good reasons as to why you think all users of the software should be okay with it changing from what they are used to.

This is the condition? Were there reports / requests for V1 that made the developers change it for V2?

540795130_blendmodelistscrolling1.jpg.d1263750364dffbbd920b2fb71f4d428.jpg ––-> 1766182400_blendmodelistscrolling2.jpg.9b9bdbe7493da8969545e9c4c22ed32a.jpg | OR:  223515020_blendmodelistscrolling3.jpg.5d10a5d9db8d473b6782f3a7a5b4f680.jpg

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

1 hour ago, thomaso said:

This is the condition?

It looks to me like jc4d is using Windows and you are using macOS so the lists possibly look different because of OS-specific differences.

If jc4d can give more specific information about what they expect/want to see then the question/problem/request might be clearer.


Thank you, yes I'm aware the list can be scrolled, but I'm wondering why the decision on not making the whole list visible. I know that for small screens it is fine, but when working on bigger screens is inconvenient to have the list truncated.

I'm on windows and the list is still the same in V2 as in V1.


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