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Affinity Photo 2 crashes every time as it looks for a non-existing server


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I recently purchased Affinity Photo 2 on my macbook, and it was working as intended, however I left home for a longer holiday, and now every time I start the program it crashes, and gives me an error that there was a problem connecting to my NAS. 

If I recall correctly I only had some projects saved on the NAS, nothing special, but I might have gradient packs loaded from there.

I've tried resetting all kinds of settings, but it didn't work. Then I've uninstalled the app, deleted all files I could find, re-installed it, but the issue persists. Right when I start it, and it asks me to accept the ToS, it crashes and gives me the same error message. 

Right now, I cannot use Affinity at all. Is there any kind soul who could help me out with a fix please?


Thanks in advance!


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  • Staff

Hey FLaci,

Please share the crash report as Pauls requested (if you have one) but can you also try the following in an attempt to resolve the issue:

Affinity Store version:

Go to ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Photo 2/ - rename Affinity Photo 2 to Affinity Photo Backup

Apple Store version:

Go to ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Photo 2/ - rename Affinity Photo 2 to Affinity Photo Backup

Hopefully that will safely back up your existing configuration and on app launch, it will create those folders anew and thus, prevent the app looking for the network.

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