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Underneath lying overflow indicators are showing through elements lying on top


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If this is by design, feel free to move this post into the feature request section.

1. Create a text frame with overflowing text and push it to the bottom of the layer stack.

2. Move a non transparent element over the text frame.

Result: The overflow indicators and the frame boundaries shine through the element on top, which is confusing. See attached image.

EDIT: Another observation: When the element placed on top has a white background, the text frame boundaries from below shine through.


Windows 10 / 11, Complete Suite Retail and Beta

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This is because you have View > Show Text Flow enabled - text flow displays on top of all objects. If you don't want to see them just disable it until you need it again.

It has to work this way because some users layer objects on top of linked frames for design reasons and would thus be unable to ever see text flow.


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