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I am working since many months on a book with now about 400 pages full of photos. Switching to V2, the size of the file passed from 400M to 1,6G. I added some (linked) photos, OK, but hard to explain this incredible increase. All the photos are linked.

Is this behaviour normal? 

Some of the resources are marked as "remote". What does it mean? All my photos are in the same directory and are all made with aPhoto in the same way. What does it mean "remote"? I could not find a clear explanation in the help.

I had tons of crashes until it was impossible to add even one photo. It used to crash systematically every time. But then I disabled the hw acceleration and now seems more stable, at least usable.

Available to upload the file.

(Mac M2, 16G RAM, latest OS installed/updated)

Thanks for help.

More than 30 Macs, from 1984 Mac 512K Plus to 2020 iMac 27" i9


Thanks, I appreciate your help. The file has been loaded.

For the "remote": I never loaded a photo from the browser. Every photo I used is a file I created with Affinity photo and saved in a directory (the same for all). Only a few have this attribute. Is it important or may I forget this point?

Thank you.

Screenshot 2022-11-15 alle 12.06.54.png

More than 30 Macs, from 1984 Mac 512K Plus to 2020 iMac 27" i9


I studied the various backups that I have and noted that the first save ain V2 had almost the same size as V1 (about 490M), before editing.

Then, the first save after some modifications in V2 was 1,9 G. I loaded the last V2 edition before it became fat.


More than 30 Macs, from 1984 Mac 512K Plus to 2020 iMac 27" i9


I don't know how your linked images became remote images. Remote is a new feature in v2 but your document was created in v1 so none of them should have been remote. It takes a bit of effort to create a remote image - you have to drag it from a browser into Affinity and hold down Ctrl. I don't know about Windows, but this requires you to start dragging and then press and hold Ctrl - if you hold down Ctrl before you start dragging it will just open the context menu instead.

I haven't yet experienced the issue in v2 that we had in v1 where files with linked issues grew very large on Apple Silicon machines, but while this is being figured out, perhaps try the workaround for that v1 issue in case it's related? Go to Window > Resource Manager, select all images, make them embedded, wait for it to complete, make them all linked again, and then choose File > Save As and see how large the file is.

The help doc implies that if you make an embedded image linked and it was originally remote then it will become remote again instead of merely linked. If this happens you might try deleting those images and placing them again to ensure you don't have any remote images you didn't intend to be remote.

Good luck!


Please do what you can. Working with this version is a NIGHTMARE!

If this can help: the problem seems somewhat be related to the wrong Remote status. I deleted and reset an image and the file size dropped by 500Mbyte. I did other tests with different results, continuously getting crashes.

More than 30 Macs, from 1984 Mac 512K Plus to 2020 iMac 27" i9

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