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The last revision to Affinity Photo 1 was very slow to startup after a reboot.  It seems that this issue has not been fixed in version 2.  On my 2019 i9 iMac with 64 gigabytes of ram and a 2tb ssd it takes 50 seconds for Affinity Photo 2 to open.  MacOS boots up faster than Affinity Photo 2 opens.

Affinity please fix this issue!

Thank you.


V1 Photo boots up about ten times slower on my M1 Mac Mini, than it does on my 2012 MacBook Pro. I’ve got used to it now, I’ll do something else while I’m waiting for it to load. 


So Apple Silicon does not solve that problem at all.

By the way Serif disappoints me now that they declare "Please bear in mind that V1 will no longer receive any updates."

While this problem is going on for a very long time.


The fascinating thing is that all of the v2 Serif apps loaded extremely fast... until they didn't: what was instant this morning has turned into a 20+ seconds waiting affair on my M1 MacBook, with no reboot or anything beyond some CPU sleep inbetween. They'll now start again very quickly... until the next time this hits.
I'm quite disappointed that this well-known problem hasn't yet been solved by Serif – no other app has ever shown anything even remotely similar to this weird bug.

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