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Hi guys

I am opening a .tif file with transparent background in Photo 2 and the background shows black whereas it showed transparent in Photo 1.
Cannot show or hide alpha in channels composit alpha. (worked in Photo 1.10.5)
The file was rendered out in Blender with transparent background RGBA.

Opening in Designer is the same. Worked in Designer 1 (transparent) but not in Designer 2 (black). I know we cannot work on channels in Designer.

Doing the same with a .png file works on all sides.

Is this a bug or do I miss something?

The strange thing is it is not working when opening but works when placing.




As a test, I made a Tif RGBA file in Affinity Photo v2.
After reloading, all the RGB information under the transparency was preserved.

I've noticed that there are cases where channels don't always display well in the preview. Maybe that's the case with you too.
Maybe try this:
In Channels, right click on Background Alpha and select a fill. Check that you will then have the RGB channel data.
In the same way, you can move the alpha channel to a separate layer, only then you select Create mask layer.


Hi ARTurek,
Thank you for the reply.

My case was not creating a file in Photo but in Blender and open it in Photo for further editing.
I just wondered because it worked like charm in Photo1 without further ado.

Now I have found out that there is a line in channels that says "not assigned alpha-channel". When I right-click on that channel and select "load alpha in background" I get the alpha working. Then delete the not assigned alpha and save (not save as, just save) and I get my .tif working.

Sort of a workaround that was not needed in previous Version.

If I now want to have my .tif with transparent background usable in Designer (because it also shows up there with black background) I have to go this extra step via Photo. No big deal if it is only one file but I am working on like 70 files from Blender for one project what makes quite a difference.
Strange enough "placing" works fine but "open" doesn't.

As I said in Photo1 or Designer1 this all wasn't necessary.

BTW after editing the file in Photo2 and reopen it wherever there is no issue.

Anyways thank you for the input.


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