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Sonny Sonny

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  1. Has this issue been fixed yet? Or installing the .exe version is the only solution?
  2. I just noticed that the default ios icon pack asset was removed on V2. Is this correct or am I missing something?
  3. Whenever I re-install or upgrade Affinity Photo. I always have to re-drag the icons to customize the toolbar. And dragging one by one of these items is not user friendly at all. I hope these type of items would be combined into group item as Affinity Designer did.
  4. I think it's not about the one time purchase or subscription at all. It's about the price. Most users complain about the subscription business model of Adobe. So, if Adobe down the price much more cheaper, would you switch to Adobe? Now, take a look back to Affinity, if they made a change, switching from one time purchase to subscription with cheaper price than Adobe but still acceptable to the users, I think there is still no problem at all. Overall, everyone talks sh!t about the subscription business model, but actually I think they are complaining about the price. They are just afraid of Serif would charge the subscription price too high.
  5. Is there a way to enable "fill background alpha" by default whenever I open bmp file?
  6. Sometimes, we have more layers/groups to markup/highlight. So, it could be great if the color tagging has more color (even user custom color) instead of current 7 colors.
  7. Yes, I thought so. Sometimes, the snapping works well, sometimes doesn't.
  8. @MEB Thanks for your response. Yeah, sorry, I just checked again, it works well as you said. But for some documents, I have to zoom in more to get the snapping tool work with locked layers/objects. I can live with that.
  9. Sometimes I lock the objects but I still want to snap to them. I hope it's possible to add an option to check on the Snapping's options panel.
  10. Measure Tool is great. I hope in the near update, I can convert the "measurement outcome" to an object, then I can modify the style of the arrow,... Because in some works requirements, I have to make a lot of measurements notes.
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