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Well, I bought V2 Universal Licence yesterday - I had to update from Mojave to Monterey on an old MBP which I didn't even want to do in a first place. I tried V2 and found out I don't even enjoy using it as much as V1 due to the bad UI choices which are described in different topics...

But what strikes me the most that three things that bothered me so much in V1 are still there!


1. documents opened in tabs - I close the rightmost tab and the view switches to the very first tab. Doesn't make sense at all. It should work just like any web or file browser - I close the rightmost tab and it switches to the next one on the left. I have constantly five or more tabs open and in the particular order. It drives me crazy when I close the one on the right and it takes me to the very first one.

2. when saving just 1 page as JPEG the suffix _1 is added although there is only 1 page being exported. 

3. when saving JPEG with the same name and I want to rename the previous file in the folder, I confirm renaming but it doesn't happen. Instead, new file with the suffix _1 is saved.

4. I still cannot export multipage file as separate PDFs automatically (unless I'm missing something). Is this really that difficult to achieve?


5 hours ago, brunoczech said:

1. documents opened in tabs - I close the rightmost tab and the view switches to the very first tab. Doesn't make sense at all. It should work just like any web or file browser - I close the rightmost tab and it switches to the next one on the left.


On 11/12/2022 at 8:34 AM, brunoczech said:

4. I still cannot export multipage file as separate PDFs automatically (unless I'm missing something). Is this really that difficult to achieve?


Hi @brunoczech Splitting your PDF into individual files is definitely not difficult - and as a Mac user you can set it up in less than a minute.  Once you've done that, it's available any time you need it.  It takes longer to describe how to set this up than it actually takes to do, so please don't be put off by the apparent complexity of it.

  1. Start by launching Automator (which you'll find in your Applications folder)

  2. Select Quick Action and click the Choose button.

  3. Locate the Split PDF action in the Library.  You may find it easiest to type "split" into the search field at the top left - search results appear below the search field.

  4. Drag the Split PDF action into the workflow canvas on the right.

  5. Click the Options button at the bottom of the action.  Tick the "Show this action when the workflow runs" check box.  (This is important as it allows you to select any folder you want when it runs.  If you skipped this step, it would only save the files in the Desktop folder.)

  6. Save your new Quick Action (File > Save…) and give it a sensible name.

  7. Quit Automator - that's the hard work done!  Your new utility should be saved into the Services folder in the Library folder for your login.  If you ever want to delete it, the location will look something like this:
    / Users / bruno / Library / Services / File split PDF.workflow

  8. Now, to use this, all you have to do is to locate your exported multi-page PDF, right-click (or ctrl-click) on it and select Services > File Split PDF.

  9. You'll be prompted to select an output location.  If you're happy with the Desktop, great.  Otherwise click that dropdown menu and select one of the other standard locations - or Other… to allow you to choose a location of your own.


    You can also change the Output File name options on this screen if you want.


Hope you find that useful?

—— Gary ——

Photo/Designer/Publisher: Affinity Store, v2.5.n release (and, since I have the space, the last v1 versions too).

Mac mini (M1, 2020), 16GB/2TB, macOS Sequoia
iPad Pro (M4) 13", 1TB, Apple Pencil Pro, iPadOS 18.2
MacBook Pro (Intel), macOS Sequoia
Windows 10 via VMware Fusion


Thank you Gary!

While I very much appreciate that you put this together, I still think that this should be the absolute basic export options in Publisher. It should definitely be implemented - and I don't think it is that difficult.

Thanks anyway!

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