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I've been making 3D anaglyphs in Photoshop for years. There are tutorials in Affinity Photo on how to achieve a 3d "effect" using a single photo. I'm not looking to do just an effect.       What I do in Photoshop is take 2 photos approximately the distance of your eyes apart. I touch them up then I copy the right photo and paste it into the Red Channel of the left. when I open all channels on the left photo I get the classic 3D "red/blue" separation that makes the photo pop using 3D glasses. Any idea how I recreate this process in Affinity Photo? Been trying for a while unsuccessfully. Please help me as my Photoshop on my old computer is slowly dying.


Hi and welcome to the forum. The process is quite easy once you find your way using the UI of Photo.

  1. Put both images in the same file as seperate layers (open first, then use „place“ command to add second). The „red“ one on top.
  2. add a channels mixer adjustment above the lower one. Open red, set level to 0.
  3. Now concentrate on the top pixel layer (intended for red channel)
  4. If you wand to use the lightness (calculated from all 3 channels), add an HSL adjustment atop the pixel layer, and move the saturation to 0
  5. add channels mixer adjustment on top.
    1. Open green channel, set green level to 0.
    2. open blue channel, set blue level to 0.
  6. group top 2/3 layers
  7. set blend mode of group to „add“

You can automate the process by using linked files for the source images. When you replace/overwrite the source files, and open Photo and the saved afphoto file, you get the new result immediately, and can export it.


red blue 3d.afphoto

Mac mini M1 A2348 | MBP M3 

Windows 11 - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x - 32 GB RAM - Nvidia GTX 1080

LG34WK950U-W, calibrated to DCI-P3 with LG Calibration Studio / Spider 5 | Dell 27“ 4K

iPad Air Gen 5 (2022) A2589

Special interest into procedural texture filter, edit alpha channel, RGB/16 and RGB/32 color formats, stacking, finding root causes for misbehaving files, finding creative solutions for unsolvable tasks, finding bugs in Apps.

I use iPad screenshots and videos even in the Desktop section of the forum when I expect no relevant difference.


2 hours ago, PixelPest said:

(@NotMyFault.  Off topic: Ist das am Kuhmühlenteich?)

Könnte sein, ist aber Blick vom Leinpfad auf den Seelemann-Park. 

Mac mini M1 A2348 | MBP M3 

Windows 11 - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x - 32 GB RAM - Nvidia GTX 1080

LG34WK950U-W, calibrated to DCI-P3 with LG Calibration Studio / Spider 5 | Dell 27“ 4K

iPad Air Gen 5 (2022) A2589

Special interest into procedural texture filter, edit alpha channel, RGB/16 and RGB/32 color formats, stacking, finding root causes for misbehaving files, finding creative solutions for unsolvable tasks, finding bugs in Apps.

I use iPad screenshots and videos even in the Desktop section of the forum when I expect no relevant difference.


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