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I stumbled across a problem. I used the text tool in AD to create some special characters with fill and stroke, but when I wanted to go back to write some other text, I couldn't get rid of what I had added, so all the text came out garbled as it was a smaller size and the stroke just messed it up. I have chosen no stroke but to no avail. 
It continued even when I started a new project. 


What gives?

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Hi Wildred Hildonen,


Please could you include a screenshot of the text or the Affinity Project file you were using? So that I may investigate this further.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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It sounds like you changed the object defaults. Edit > Defaults > Factory Reset will restore them to a sane default. There are other options there to set them from the current selection, to store them for new documents and to reset them to what you last stored.


And can you please tell me how I have done that? I don't like it when programmes do things I don't tell it to do. Wouldn't it be an idea with a warning for us n00bies? Something the experienced users can turn off. Sometimes I accidentally toggle the UI as well, when I am busy manipulating stuff and I hit the wrong key. Annoying. 

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The only way to change the object defaults for new documents is by Edit > Defaults > Save. I take it that's what you mean when you say it continued with new projects. If that's what happened, then it is what you told it to do. There are no keyboard shortcuts for that menu option, and no other way of doing it other by selecting the option from the menu.


Within a document, the defaults update continuously. If you create a rectangle, turn it red, and create another rectangle, it too will be red. Similarly if you create text and change its font. It'd be annoying to repeatedly have to set the font you want every time you create text, so Affinity remembers.

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Well, I know I didn't go into that menu option since I didn't know that it existed even. (But what you suggested fixed it) The only thing I did was to change the colour of the font and to add a stroke to it. 
When I wanted to continue with another font, I tried to select None for stroke and change the colour back to black, but no way. Well, it looked right but it didn't change. So somehow something happened which I wasn't aware of and neither intended it to happen. That is all I know. 

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