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An Outer Shadow with the "Fill knocks out shadow" checkbox unticked applied to a group of objects that also have an Adjustment Layer applied results in a darker shadow within the bounding box of the group.

Attached screenshot of Layer panel with Layer Effects pop up and screenshot of PDF.

I know this is a super specific bug, and would not normally be noticed since the "Fill knocks out shadow" checkbox is ticked by default, but it does appear to be a bug, so should be squashed. I found it while dealing with this ongoing issue…


Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 10.07.19 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 10.15.23 AM.png


Thanks. It's certainly not a deal breaker as I can just leave the "Fill knock out shadow" checked per its default state, but I figured anything to help you guys make the outer shadows work a little better would be useful info.

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