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Transform Palette options

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Can you please add a transform options box or pop up window that allows for more precise rotating? I found that Designer does not do a precise job of rotating and lining up shapes when creating round patterns. There is a fraction of a millimeter or so that prevents for clean patterns. I am not sure if the custom rotate center still needs tweaking or what but my patterns are off and I have to back to illustrator for this. I am using a mathematical method so I know that my degrees in creating these patterns are true and exact. Not sure how else to explain this bug. See attached for a difference in degrees. And also to add to this, when placing the rotation center to where I need it, the only way to rotate to a custom degree is manually using the rotate handle on the bounding box-this may be where the difference in degrees I am off even though I am going by the real-time degree hovering display in degrees. This is where the input degree box would work better instead of doing it manually.  My suggestion on this would be if one moves the rotate center to a custom place, this movement should override the transform palette rotate input box that is linked to the 9-point reference box. So in other words, if I move the rotate center only allow for the input field to now control the rotation. This would solve that issue.

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Hi evtonic3,

Using the Transform panel it's possible to get precise rotations. The problem is, like you said, when using a custom rotation centre. There's no way to use the Transform panel in that case. I agree that when a user sets a custom rotation centre it should override the 9-point reference box until the custom rotation centre is disabled again. Your precision issues are probably coming from setting the rotation visually, despite the integer value shown in the hovering box as you also mentioned.

I will raise this with the developers. Thanks for your feedback.

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