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Draw/Redraw objects: Designer vs. Illustrator

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I just noticed that in Designer, standard shape objects get drawn with preview always on, and when you move them the full preview comes with it, so it looks laggy, at least on my Mac. When I look at Illustrator way, they don't do any preview as you draw and when you move objects, they use an outline. I think Designer should follow this way. Not much of a complaint but an acknowledgment and comment/suggestion to Serif. Objects do draw faster obviously with the preview off.

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Hi evtonic,

This is by design. Affinity shows everything in realtime when possible when it doesn't impact performance.

I'm unable to replicate the lag you're getting when moving or rotating shapes (even on a relatively modest system). I believe this is more an issue with your system/config/hardware than with Affinity itself. What's the specs of the system?

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Hi evtonic,

This is by design. Affinity shows everything in realtime when possible when it doesn't impact performance.

I'm unable to replicate the lag you're getting when moving or rotating shapes (even on a relatively modest system). I believe this is more an issue with your system/config/hardware than with Affinity itself. What's the specs of the system?


What does showing in realtime matter at all if these are adjustments to the design?

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Hi evtonic3,

I believe that depends a little on what you're doing. If you are adjusting/moving elements/groups on an illustration to get a better composition, it's certainly better if you could see the elements fully rendered for example. For other areas this may not seem so important but it certainly doesn't hurt, unless it causes performance issues.

In any case feel free to add it to the feature requests section if you think it's an useful addition to Affinity Designer.

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