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Hello team,

following problem when exporting as PDF:


  • The circles behind the numbers are exported as an image
  • white corners are displayed in the lower "free" area

The export as SVG works correctly.

I added all objects in the appendix.

Thank you for an info
🙂 Gerhard


  • Staff

Hi GerhardL,

What PDF export settings are you using for that export? I've just exported your document using PDF (For Print) and its exporting without an issue (see attached). In your PDF those objects are getting rasterised, quite possibly because the PDF format you're using doesn't support transparency (where those objects are transparent), so unfortunately in that instance you will get that white box where it overlaps the blank area of the page (where it is using the white by default, as your source has a transparent background). The other numbers are fine because they have a decorated background below them so it isn't as obvious.


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