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Data Merge: Esc is doing more than just cancelling the merge

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If you are doing a merge and hit Esc while the document gets generated (e.g. because you forgot to correct the range), this action blocks everything except closing the Data Merge Manager. So you have to close the window and start the Data Merge Manager again or even closing the document and opening again.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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12 minutes ago, Gabe said:

I'll get this logged.

Thanks. In that case you should file a request too: The Data Merge action needs a Cancel button. Maybe I done something wrong in the range or the merging takes too long.

What made me crazy - you named it - is the fact that I can close the progress bar with ESC, close the Data Merge Assistant, but the merging is still running and not cancelled and some times later you'll get another document with the merged data.

EDIT: Ending the merging with the Task Manager is not a good idea to cancel it IMO.

EDIT 2: You can even close the document you ESCaped during Data Merge, the merge is still working.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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  • Staff

The issue "Data merge - Esc closes the progress bar but not the process" (REF: AFB-4847) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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