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Refining pixel selection leaves white border

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Hey there!

I found an issue with the refining pixel selection edges-tool. This seems to appear on images with a white background when I use the refining-tool and apply the selection into a mask. There is still a one-pixel-border left at the very top and very left of the image. Due to zoom it sometimes disappears, but it's definitely visible on the export after transforming or copying onto another image.

Example in the attachment:
The image got cut out with a mask, duplicated and moved down-left.

With kind regards


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I'm using the latest Affinity Photo version on Windows 10 Pro 19042.
I've been using a bamboo pen-tablet by wacom. The expected result is that there won't be a border left.

- Select the background with the selection brush
- Invert the selection
- Refining (refine something in the middle of the image, not touching the borders...). Usually I leave the settings on default, just altering the width of the brush
- Apply refined selection as a mask

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The problem was not the refinement process. 

In the video example, the masked object was scaled. The scaled mask was resampled and so it developed a feathered boundary which partially revealed the object it was masking.

Even when no scaling is performed, moving a mask so that it becomes misaligned with the document pixel grid will result in it being resampled and becoming softer.

A black brush can be used to paint in the mask and remove the problematic semi-transparency.

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