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Fatal error with perspective live filter(after reopening the file).

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I encountered this problem after reopening one file with a great many perspective live filters. And since then, affinity has crashed more than 20 times until I finally found out it's the perspective live filter to blame. X﹏X

All my layers with a live perspective filter disappeared but when I zoomed in, they appeared and then … then affinity photo crashed.

So I tried to rasterise the layers which had problems. However, some new bugs occured.

When I tried to rasterise I should get this:


but I got this:


When I exported the file as png I got this:


When I tried to export a PSD or TIFF file so that I can continue my work in krita or gimp, it crashed.

Finally, I deleted all the live perspective filter and it works.

Edited by yanyunzhushu
To delete repeated video
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12 hours ago, Chris B said:

Hey yanyunzhushu,

Thanks for uploading that.

I disabled OpenCL from Preferences > Performance and could see a huge improvement. Could you give it a go and report back, please? :) 

Thanks for your advice. I have tried to disable OpenCl before, but it still didn't work.😂 However, by rasterising all the live perspective filters, everything was going allright.

My computer information:

Intel i7 9750H     GTX1650   OS:windows 20H2   GPU drive:NVIDIA studio 461.72


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Thanks for replying.

Rasterising is definitely a solution. Whilst we can use live adjustments and filters (which is handy) they can be incredibly resource hungry. A destructive filter would not show this behaviour as the canvas is rasterised and there's far less data to display. Live filters and adjustments are constantly being rendered when zooming and unfortunately somtimes you have to either rasterise or merge—or even hide the layer.

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