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The workbook has us create a "page number/section name" early on and tells us (but doesn't show us) to copy the left frame to the right side...and then cut/paste the material in "reverse"...so that the number is on the outside edge. For the life of me, I can't find how to reverse it...flipping is not the same...and I'm not finding an option under "paste". I tried to manual "re-type" the material, but it de-linked it when I did that.

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Welcome to the forums @WarBeer

If you tell us which workbook you are using (I’m guessing it’s Publisher but nice to be sure) and which page the instructions are on that you are following then someone who has the same workbook should be able to assist.
(Otherwise we are just guessing at what you are trying to do.)

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Sorry...my new-to-Affinity forgot that there's more products than just "Publisher". Yes, Publisher....page 89. I got it! What happened was after I pasted the frame/text and then did the "right align"...I put the # at the edge of the frame...but I see now that it actually "temporarily" runs it past the frame. So, I had extra spaces (thus non-matching fields) that I was unaware of. Another reason for my confusion was that I "thought" I remembered seeing a "text reverse" somewhere. (I did...in Artistic Text)...so I kept thinking that I needed to get that option up...but of course it wouldn't come up in "normal" Frame Text;) Anyway, thank you for the input...this software is REALLY incredible! And when you factor in the cost...it's just unbeatable!

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