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[AD 1.9.0] Spine export broken?


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  1. Export from Designer using Batch Builder set to Spine JSON.
  2. In Spine (I'm using 3.8.95): File>Import Data
  3. Imported assets don't align exactly as placed in Designer.

I am certain previous versions worked perfect, it's only now that I'm seeing issues.

(If a work file is needed for testing, I can share one privately)


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Hi leshido,

Sorry for the late response. I've tried creating some slices from some objects in a document and exporting out a Spine JSON and importing into the Spine Trial (4.0.56) but they're importing in the correct place. However I don't really know the application so my file in Affinity is likely not set up as it intended.

Would you be able to attach your afdesign document to our internal Dropbox using the link below please? If you're able to include some files not saved in 1.9 (for example ones that can be opened on 1.6, 1.7 or 1.8) that will also help us see if it is a regression. If the position after import isn't easy to spot or is subtle would you mind just attaching a screenshot pointing to the incorrect positions?

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Hi Sean,

Thanks for trying to test this. It turns out I had the assets set to half scale on export (@0.5x), which I guess messed things up for the JSON builder as the coordinates are understandably not scaled as well.

In any case, once I configured the export without scaling everything was back in order, so I'm guessing there's no regression there.

Would be fun if we somehow had more control over the Batch Builder feature and were able to customize the JSON to our needs/workflow... but anyway feel free to close this issue :)

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