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I am trying the new Astrophotography stacking with Fuji RAF files and the RAFs are not showing any color.  Looking at the histogram it appears they are greyscale.  If I open any of the RAF files by themselves and not in the Astro stacking they look perfectly normal with color.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I followed the demo video and I think I am doing it as demoed.  Am I missing something or is there an issue with RAF files?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @DanBHome, @Martin S & @fedevento,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we are extremely busy following our 1.9 update and working from home is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

I can confirm that the Astro-stacking feature is designed to work with RAW files, however they do need to be from a supported camera and preferably uncompressed. 

Can you please confirm for me:

  • What camera model do these RAF files originate from?
  • What compression setting do you have set for these RAF files, on your camera?

Many thanks in advance!

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Thanks for responding Dan!🙂 I am sure you are very busy after such a large update.

I am using the Fuji X-T30 with RAF format (Not a typo, RAF is Fuji's Raw for this camera and others). I can confirm I used the "Lossless Compressed" option.  I have included a couple of unprocessed RAF files and a screen shot of what these two look like together when stacked in affinity 1.9.  If I have the opportunity I will try a couple of "uncompressed" shots.


T30A3066.RAF T30A3067.RAF

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2 hours ago, Dan C said:

Hi @DanBHome, @Martin S & @fedevento,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we are extremely busy following our 1.9 update and working from home is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

I can confirm that the Astro-stacking feature is designed to work with RAW files, however they do need to be from a supported camera and preferably uncompressed. 

Can you please confirm for me:

  • What camera model do these RAF files originate from?
  • What compression setting do you have set for these RAF files, on your camera?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Dan!, thanks a lot for the reply, Im using fuji xh-1 almost sure with compressed raw, will try later using uncompressed raw. Do you know if this camera (and the xt-20) are supported? Thanks!

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15 hours ago, DanBHome said:

I am using the Fuji X-T30 with RAF format

14 hours ago, fedevento said:

Im using fuji xh-1 (...) Do you know if this camera (and the xt-20) are supported?

Many thanks for both of your confirmation here! I can verify that according to the Affinity RAW supported formats list, all 3 of these FUJI cameras (x-T30, XH-1 & X-T20) are supported RAW formats and therefore should be fine to use within the Astro-stacking feature.

It's still recommended that you use non-compressed files for the best results - however there certainly does seem to be a bug with the way these files are being processed, as there is a mosaic pattern showing from the developing process and colours are not being correctly converted.

I will get this logged with our developers as a bug now and we hope to have this resolved in a future update - many thanks for your reports :)

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Thanks Dan for your response. My camera is Fuji XE3. I shoot in RAF with no compression, yet still having the same issue. I can open images normally in Affinity Photo in full colors. However, when using the astro stacking, the picture is BW only. Actually, there seems to be color noise, but overal picture looks BW. I tried Adobe DNG converter with exactly the same results. I also tried the Iridient X-Transformer, which seems to work and images have colors even in stacking. Unfortunately I have just the demo, which puts some watermarks inside. You can guess what is the only aligned part after stacking :)

It would be very nice if this is eventually solved. I just started with this hobby and would very much appreciate using a single tool like Affinity Photo. Especially on Mac, this would make life easier.



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Just to confirm the wrong behavior: Same issue with Fujifilm X-T20: RAF files are properly displayed (with colors) if opened for regular editing, but lack color information when trying the strophotography stacking feature.
Identical behavior with DNG files created from Fujis RAF files.

Plus, I can also report a bug causing a crash:  If choosing the "Monochrome" option under "Raw Options" > "FITS Bayer pattern" with an open astrophotography stack, AP just vanishes (closes).

AP version, Windows.

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On 2/19/2021 at 7:12 PM, Martin S said:

My camera is Fuji XE3. I shoot in RAF with no compression, yet still having the same issue.

Thanks for the confirmation, I have replicated this here and will add this model to the bug report - at this point it seems as though perhaps all Fuji files will produce this same error in the Astrophotography Stack and I will have our QA team do some more testing here whilst our devs work to fix the issue :)

On 2/20/2021 at 4:19 PM, Jörn Reppenhagen said:

Just to confirm the wrong behavior: Same issue with Fujifilm X-T20: RAF files are properly displayed (with colors) if opened for regular editing, but lack color information when trying the strophotography stacking feature.

Many thanks for confirming this, as above the issue is with our developers to be resolved asap!

On 2/20/2021 at 4:19 PM, Jörn Reppenhagen said:

Plus, I can also report a bug causing a crash:  If choosing the "Monochrome" option under "Raw Options" > "FITS Bayer pattern" with an open astrophotography stack, AP just vanishes (closes).

I can also confirm I have replicated this crash with multiple Fuji files and I will report this as a new bug to our developers now - many thanks for your report :D

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Thank you Dan. I found another small issue there. In all the video tutorials you can just select a folder of say Dark or Light frames and all the images inside are loaded. This also seems to be broken for RAF files. You always need to select all of them to be added. Not a big deal of course.

In the mean time, a small workaround for me is to do the stacking in "BW" and after that, developing one photo normally and apply it only as color overlay. Not the best and probably sufficient only for total beginners like me, but at least I can continue learning this hobby :) Still many thanks for going on with this functionality!


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7 minutes ago, Martin S said:

In all the video tutorials you can just select a folder of say Dark or Light frames and all the images inside are loaded. This also seems to be broken for RAF files. You always need to select all of them to be added

I've seen in this tutorial at around 0:52 in the video that James opens Finder to select his frames, then uses SHIFT and left mouse click to select the first image in the folder, then scrolls to the bottom of the list to select the last - holding SHIFT through this process will group select all files between the first and the last in the list, then you can press Open.

I have just tested this on Windows using 5 RAF files in a group selection and all files loaded at the same time, as expected.

Does this SHIFT selection method not work for you on your Mac please? :)

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10 minutes ago, Martin S said:

That is not what I meant. See this video at 1:24 https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/tutorials/photo/desktop/video/504455079/

Many thanks for confirming that and for providing this link - my sincerest apologies as I was not aware of this functionality!

I can verify that I'm seeing this issue here, the folder can be selected and opened, but the RAW files inside are not imported into Affinity using this method - I will also get this logged now :D

Equally, I have found that Windows does not support this feature at all - so I am also logging this separately :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Nick Holshouser,

welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

Unfortunately there's not yet been any developer update for this issue, though it is logged and assigned to one of our Photo developers - should we have any update regarding this, we will post in this thread requesting that you try the beta where the fix will first be implemented.

I hope this clears things up and my apologies for any inconveniences caused in the meantime!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/25/2021 at 4:15 PM, nilskk said:

Any news on that topic?


On 3/11/2021 at 4:59 PM, Dan C said:

Unfortunately there's not yet been any developer update for this issue, though it is logged and assigned to one of our Photo developers - should we have any update regarding this, we will post in this thread requesting that you try the beta where the fix will first be implemented.

The above is still correct currently.

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Any idea if/when this will be fixed, I was so excited when this functionality was introduced, such a shame as the X-Trans sensors in Fuji are often used for Astrophotography due to their filters not blocking much of the HA light, that makes them popular for astro shots

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