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Martin S

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  1. Hi, this is great news! I just briefly tested the beta and can confirm that both issues seems to be resolved. I can now fully process images from Fuji XE-3 with colors. I can also import all images within a folder just by selecting the folder. Great fixes! My thanks to the developers! Martin
  2. The Shift method works for sure That is not what I meant. See this video at 1:24 https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/tutorials/photo/desktop/video/504455079/ Regards, martin
  3. Thank you Dan. I found another small issue there. In all the video tutorials you can just select a folder of say Dark or Light frames and all the images inside are loaded. This also seems to be broken for RAF files. You always need to select all of them to be added. Not a big deal of course. In the mean time, a small workaround for me is to do the stacking in "BW" and after that, developing one photo normally and apply it only as color overlay. Not the best and probably sufficient only for total beginners like me, but at least I can continue learning this hobby Still many thanks for going on with this functionality!
  4. Thanks Dan for your response. My camera is Fuji XE3. I shoot in RAF with no compression, yet still having the same issue. I can open images normally in Affinity Photo in full colors. However, when using the astro stacking, the picture is BW only. Actually, there seems to be color noise, but overal picture looks BW. I tried Adobe DNG converter with exactly the same results. I also tried the Iridient X-Transformer, which seems to work and images have colors even in stacking. Unfortunately I have just the demo, which puts some watermarks inside. You can guess what is the only aligned part after stacking It would be very nice if this is eventually solved. I just started with this hobby and would very much appreciate using a single tool like Affinity Photo. Especially on Mac, this would make life easier. Regards, m
  5. Same for me. I was very enthusiastic after seeing all the new tutorials and then nothing... Somewhat ruined my evening session today :(
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