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Various NIK Apps crashing PHOTO

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Downloaded the Free Trial of Affinity Photo tonight. I have been searching for an alternative to Adobe for a while now. My editing process heavily utilises NIK 3 .... Followed all the relevant steps to install NIK on Affinity , No issue there. NIK 3 is designed to use a series of apps flowing from one to another to obtain your desired final edit. Start with DFINE2 then VIVEZA etc etc, I use it a lot on PS. DFINE worked Ok but then flowed to VIVEZA and on completion of my edits hit OK and Affinity Photo crashes. Seen other posts on this and would like to know where things lie. Is this going to be fixed. This is a deal breaker for me. If this collection of Plugins won't work then I will have to abandon Affinity Photo. 

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@AHB_FELIX, and welcome to the forums

For us to help you on this, it helps if we know as much as possible about your system.

What Operating System are you using, and what version?

How much memory do you have?


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having similar issue, but not consistently.   Photo 1.9 had crashed to desktop twice just today when using Viveza 2 and does not save any edits previously completed to the image.   This may have been the same issue on the few precious crashes since updating to 1.9.   As a long time Nik/Photoshop user, I am starting to use Viveza with Photo more lately and can't be sure there was not a similar problem with 1.8.

Frustrating to loose all the previous work & time, and trying to remember to save before launching Viveza is a pain, and remembering is not always successful thus far!

System: Windows 10 Pro on an i7 with 32 gig of board memory and Nvidia GTX 1070.


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Hi @Roar,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble!

The latest 1.9 update introduced OpenCL Hardware Acceleration and this may be causing a few issues with your plugins. Please navigate to Edit > Preferences > Performance and untick Hardware Acceleration. Restart the app as prompted and then try using the plugins again.

Please do let us know if this helps with stability, or if the app is still crashing for you? :)

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Many thanks for checking that for me! The best option would be to check if the app has produced any crash reports, as these will hopefully contain the information we need to determine the issue here.

Please open Windows Run (Windows Key + R) then paste the following string and press OK:


In the window that opens, please select 3 the most recently created .DMP files, then upload these to your reply here.

Many thanks in advance :)

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There are five since Feb 2nd...

I've given you all five because I've also had an issue where in running a Topaz plugin, if inadvertently clicking on Photo both become unresponsive and Task Manager must be used to close Photo.   Two of these could be created by this situation.

Hope all are well and staying safe,



d8c6c624-81a5-45f4-8ec9-21e211b5c272.dmp 833a32b1-d782-4b0f-996b-c111d53d0e43.dmp 690deffc-d667-4aba-aa99-ab0c4baa9005.dmp 10b7cd20-3476-448f-a42e-b2d87872c9fd.dmp d8d530de-352f-489c-a5ea-6e4edfe6e771.dmp

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