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  1. Thanks, but I am at now...
  2. More crashes this month so far - this time two on Publisher and one on Photo - they are attached. OpenCL is not enabled NO other application crashes like this! Thom Windows 10 pro i7 with 32 gig of board memory NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Hardware Acceleration is not enabled. 900107e1-68f5-47c1-9141-fbddc7250b80.dmp 03297535-4a02-47ff-ae95-07d65a37c9f5.dmp b5d8efe2-8ac7-430d-931d-612575914aba.dmp
  3. Just had a crash when clicked "Develop" - Crash Report attached. Have had crash when using a Topaz Plugin with no crash report generated. Have had many crashes using Nik Viveza 2 - reported on a different post. Thom Windows 10 pro i7 with 32 gig of board memory NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Hardware Acceleration is not enabled. b2dc68cc-b5d4-4fa6-9b43-54b9f4df765e.dmp
  4. I know the attached is a Viveza - Crash event. Hope it tells you something! Thank You & Stay Safe, Thom ad847723-dffb-41e3-8c68-cb26a3c2e698.dmp
  5. Dan, There are five since Feb 2nd... I've given you all five because I've also had an issue where in running a Topaz plugin, if inadvertently clicking on Photo both become unresponsive and Task Manager must be used to close Photo. Two of these could be created by this situation. Hope all are well and staying safe, Thom d8c6c624-81a5-45f4-8ec9-21e211b5c272.dmp 833a32b1-d782-4b0f-996b-c111d53d0e43.dmp 690deffc-d667-4aba-aa99-ab0c4baa9005.dmp 10b7cd20-3476-448f-a42e-b2d87872c9fd.dmp d8d530de-352f-489c-a5ea-6e4edfe6e771.dmp
  6. Thank you for the thought, but he "Hardware Acceleration" is not ticked and never has been. Any additional ideas? Thom
  7. Having similar issue, but not consistently. Photo 1.9 had crashed to desktop twice just today when using Viveza 2 and does not save any edits previously completed to the image. This may have been the same issue on the few precious crashes since updating to 1.9. As a long time Nik/Photoshop user, I am starting to use Viveza with Photo more lately and can't be sure there was not a similar problem with 1.8. Frustrating to loose all the previous work & time, and trying to remember to save before launching Viveza is a pain, and remembering is not always successful thus far! System: Windows 10 Pro on an i7 with 32 gig of board memory and Nvidia GTX 1070. Thom
  8. After receiving two different emails confirming two different resubmissions, today I finally received both books ordered - two months to the day to deliver in two separate shipments from an Amazon location 46 miles from my home. They were shipped to my billing address, a PO Box, so that added a bit to the delay no doubt. I have not however received the T-Shirt that was part of the order. ...and the beat goes on, Thom
  9. I wonder how much Covid-19 has effected Affinity in addition to Black Friday's Sale & Brexit. But: I couldn't agree more - really bad for customer relations! Communication has been poor at best and being relatively new to Affinity, I was expecting much better! Anyone with experience prior to 2020 like to comment? Still looking for a positive future, Thom
  10. I am in a similar situation - ordered two books & T-Shirt on Dec 1, received email confirming, received email promising delivery before Christmas, not here yet! Emails from Adam resubmitting order, but no detail information, my emails back go unanswered, etc. Thom
  11. This is much needed and would also love to see a posting here by Affinity rather than a twitter quote! It leads me to think that no one from the company reads these posts! A full DAM would be nice, but just an internal file manager is critical for smooth editing/publishing and might even be brought to market sooner. My post from December 2020 has no answers so far, and that just adds to the thought that no one form Affinity reads these posts! Internal Affinity File Manager I am currently using Adobe Bridge (now free) because of its functionality and familiarity, but would much rather have a similar internal program for Photo, Publisher, etc.
  12. More customization options Photo: a simple one - the ability to add keyboard shortcuts to filter plugins. Thom
  13. Relatively new to the Affinity Publisher & Photo system and for the most part liking it, but it is not without its quirks. Coming from previous experience with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop (never warmed up to Lightroom though!) getting files "placed" into Publisher leaves a lot to be desired! A reasonably simple file browser internal to the Affinity platform could simplify things dramatically. I've tried various software for organization: PhotoMechanic (very good but expensive and not justifiable this year in particular), FastRawViewer - FastStone - XnView MP (all three opensource) and keep coming back to Adobe Bridge (now free). Even the best of these do not integrate with Affinity Publisher's "place" function and relaying on the operating system's finder seems a stop-gap solution at best. Judging by the years of requests for a DAM, I'm not alone. See: DAM Poll, Affinity Photo DAM, File Viewer, etc. Although I'm not sure I would use the term "Digital Asset Manager" as that's probably too all-encompassing for what is needed. A file manager is probably a better description, much like Adobe Bridge, built in to the Affinity platform to facilitate easy opening/placement of images/files in Photo, and/or Publisher. Maybe as a individual persona. Being able to sort by and edit metadata would seem a critically needed function. I'm determined to assembly my next book using Photo & Publisher, forcing myself to learn the differences. Fortunately, I am somewhat settling comfortably into the system, believe in the Affinity team & Serif's endeavor and would love to see it continue to progress. Please have a look at what the competition is doing - DxO PhotoLab, Capture One, Adobe, etc. ...and seriously consider this, Thom
  14. That helps Walt, a lot! But it would be even better to have copy abilities for guides. Thom
  15. Something similar has been happening to me as well, but as I am new to Affinity... On Windows, CTRL + J to make a copy then editing that copy leaves the copy edges fading to transparent (10-15 pixels, maybe more). Turning on the original fills in the edges but somewhat defeats the purpose. After much experimenting, I think I stumbled upon the cause of the problem I am having: If I add an effects Gaussian Blur, the edges are dramatically effected. The more blur the larger the effected edges. Turning on "Preserve Alpha" (not the default but maybe it should be) appears to resolve the issue. A different set of circumstances than the OP, but maybe a common link? Can't seem to upload a file. Getting a -200 error in a popup??? Thom
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