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Hi, I'm trying to create a brick for a repeat pattern, but I keep getting these annoying lines when I try lining up the bricks of my repeat pattern (seee image).  I used a hand painted watercolour painting I made for the pattern of the brick, and made the repeat pattern in Affinity Photo using the 'affine' function. What went wrong??? The lines do not disappear when I export the image.







Hi @Karina :)

Sorry to see you're having trouble!

It would help to see a copy of your .afphoto document, as well as a copy of the source image. Could you please upload a copy of these here so we can investigate further for you?

If you'd like a private upload link for the files then please do let me know :)


Hi, I've uploaded the documents. Thank you very much for helping me out! I'm trying to make repeat paterns out of hand painted art. But this problem with lines at the brick seams keeps popping up no matter what method I try. I would be eternally grateful if you can help me fix this problem!!!

Kind regards,



Many thanks for your document! This is happening due to your image being sized to a 'half pixel' and not whole pixels, causing the antialiasing to draw this thin white line.

Please do the following:

  • Navigate to Document > Resize Document
  • In the dialog that opens, change the Units from Centimetres to Pixels, ensuring not to change any other values here, then select Resize (not your document will stay the same size, it will just change the measurements from Centimetres to pixels.
  • Now, select the first pattern image in the top left corner and navigate to the Transform Studio. This is usually located in the bottom right corner of the app, but you may need to reenable it under View > Studio > Transform if you've hidden it previously.
  • As you can see, the X & Y positions for this object should be 0,0 - however the Width and Height of the object is 1968.5px x 1968.5px. As you can see, it's this '0.5px' causing the issue here.
  • Change the values to 1969px for both the width and height.
  • Select the next object to the right, here you'll see the Y position is still 0, but the X position is again a half pixel value. Change the X position, height and width to 1969px.
  • Repeat this process for the other 2 objects, making sure that any half pixels are now whole.
  • Once completed, your images will now be aligned however they will be extending slightly off canvas. To fix this, navigate to Document > Clip Canvas. This will resize the canvas to make sure that all of your layers fit.
  • You should now find that these lines don't show when exporting. You may still see them in the app when viewed at anything other than 100% zoom - this is expected and is caused by mip mapping. We recommend viewing your document at 100% zoom (View > Zoom > 100%) before exporting your document, as this will show you the true output for your document.

I hope this helps :)

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