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Is there a way to export these 3 grouped images at the size they are without rasterising first?

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Hello guys

I imported a cable image & duplicated it 2 times  ...so i now have 3 pcs of cable joined to make one 1280px x 19px grouped image

But when i click export/Selection PNG without background i get a 2080 x 2076 image which is not what i want.
If i rasterise the 3 images i assume it would then work but as this is very small size exporting the rasterized image is not as good quality once exported
I currently just export as the weird big size & then open in photo & crop in there, but this seems like a bit of a faff.

Am i doing something wrong here?

I have attached the file if you are able to have a look



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13 minutes ago, Lagarto said:

That's why the selection is exctended even if you appear to have selected only the link layers.

This could not be the whole truth. Deleting all the other layers make the export dimensions larger than the artboard again.


Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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