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Re. Photo Plus Essentials

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Hi Serif Team - I have been using PhotoPlus Essentials for many years (I think I purchased it in 2012) on an old PC running Windows 7 with no problems. After editing some photo's a few days ago, I closed the program down...but the next day, the program would only partially re-open - most of the functions were "greyed out" and I could not even close it down - the only way I could remove it from the screen was to re-start the computer. I still had the install disc and paper wallet with the registration code. So I removed the program from the computer and then re-installed it. However, the problem still exists. I thought that removing the program, which appears as it may have been corrupted in some way, and then re-installing it would clear any problems. It has not been the solution that I hoped for. I also have PhotoPlus 7.0 loaded on my PC which still operates without problems. Have you any suggestions please?

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Welcome to the Affinity forums @Diane Knight!

On 10/12/2020 at 5:37 PM, MikeW said:

For the legacy Plus applications, please post at the Plus Series forums:


Or buy Affinity Photo at a 50% discount right now. ;)

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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