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Embedding a pdf ready print document

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Hi. I hope someone can help me. I am designing a book cover from a PDF template in Affinity Photo. I have the image in place, and typed the title and other information. My question is, how do I make sure it is all embedded in a PDF that will be able to print from a print on demand printer? Right now, they are in layers. Thank you so much to anyone who can help me. I am using Catalina on a Mac. 

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Have you tried exporting your image as a pdf and then trying to print it? Although Photo will do what you need, you may be better using Designer or Publisher.

BtW, the Title field is for a short description of your problem (such as "Embedding a pdf ready document"), not your name. If you clopick on Edit at the bottom of your initial post, you can edit the Title field.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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@Angelika It's a case of exporting to PDF and previewing to see if everything looks as it should. Sometimes text can look different, if this occurs, on the PDF Export window, click the More option and make sure the Embed Font option is set to Text as Curves. This ensures it looks as intended/designed when exporting.

If you do send to a print shop it's also worth asking if they have any particular requirements for the PDF files you are sending that you may need to set on the Export window.

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