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Error when switching the contour types with the contour tool

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I just noticed that there is a problem if you select a different Countour Type, especially when you use the tool again, and suddenly other corner types appear at some corners. Sometimes, as shown in the video, there were no correct corners and before I had recorded the video, two corners remained round and the other angular.

The function that you create a clone by pressing the Alt key did not work for me with this tool.

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Hi PaRunk,
Thanks for reporting this - i'm getting irregular results here as well. Some times the output varies a bit depending on the objects positions/scale and may be difficult to reproduce from scratch. When reporting issues like these please attach the respective afdesign files whenever possible.I'm logging this to be looked at. Thank for your support.

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thank you for your feedback. Yes, I should have attached the files. Unfortunately, these were just tests and I didn't save them.
But I just tried to recreate the second file. This time the error is not in reducing the size, but in increasing it. I have created a picture of it and attach this and the associated file.

Problem with Contour-Tool.jpg

Problem with Contour-Tool.afdesign

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