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Noise reduction live filter problem?

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Hi there,

I'm putting together images for my Mom's funeral and have come across something a little odd. It may be something I'm missing though as obviously not thinking completely straight whilst doing this particular job.

Anyway if you have a photo on one layer and add say a white outline to it using the layer effects and also say a drop shadow just to get a sort of photo look to it, if you now add a noise reduction live filter to that layer then all the layer fx you've added to the layer don't render any more. I've also got an unsharp mask live filter on that layer but that doesn't affect the layer fx options though. I've not tried all the other live effects so don't know if noise reduction is the only one that causes this problem but definitely seems like there's something up with that somewhere?

I've attached a video below to show what I mean.

Many thanks for any help with this.

Best wishes,


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I can replicate that with Photo on Windows 10.
Adding the Noise Reduction Live Filter to an (Image) or (Pixel) layer makes the Outer Shadow disappear and also makes a thick Outline Effect ‘squared off’ at the corners. I have no idea if this is expected behaviour or not.
You can stop this from happening by putting the Noise Reduction Live Filter layer above the image layer in a Group (see attached image); not ideal but it seems to work.

Annotation 2020-08-18 125008.png

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Glad it's not just me. That's actually what I'm doing at the moment to remedy the problem although not exactly what's shown in the video above as that was just for showing what was happening. 

I'll have to do it this way for now as have a lot of images to edit but would be great if this could be fixed in an upcoming update. I've had a couple of these types of things before where adjustments / live filters have done something odd and can't see a reason as to why one would cause a problem but not others. 

Definitely causes a problem with workflow though which is not ideal at all as absolutely love working with Affinity and won't ever go back to PS but would love these niggly little problems to be fixed if possible. 

Thanks again for the reply confirming it's not me doing something silly, very much appreciated. 

Best wishes,


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Hi Lee,

I did think about that actually as I've noticed redraw issues before however I did try zooming out and panning round the document but the effects never showed up again. These are fairly large files I'm working on with a 2010 Mac Pro so not sure if that makes any difference at all?

I'll have to see if doing everything as normal, saving out and then re-opening the files shows any difference. Will try that later on and see how it goes. 



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